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    Tell me Buddhists here and sympathizers, is this hate speech against you?

    Francis King says the Dharma is his teacher. Why wouldn't I quote the Dharma? Did I say that I will not attend carefully to others' views? If these are your reasons for following the Dharma, then you're probably better of, back on the fence. In any event, when the Dalai Lama was asked...
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    Tell me Buddhists here and sympathizers, is this hate speech against you?

    "People blame others for their silence. They blame those who talk much and those who talk in moderation. There is therefore no one in this world who is not blamed." - Buddha Naropa has said, "samsara is the tendency to find fault with others." It's not you, it's your karma. Should a man...
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    Where are we going?

    Where's Oprahism?
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    Tell me Buddhists here and sympathizers, is this hate speech against you?

    This is the Hari Krsna's modus operandi, and see how well it is received in the west? In any case this generalisation is false. I haven't met a guru who doesn't have some outreach program on the go. But understand that they do this only when their more precise role as spiritual heirs is not...
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    End destiny of man and life in Buddhism.

    In Buddhism we speak about two truthes. The first is the constructed world of conventional truth and falsehood. The second is the ultimate nature of things which is beyond convention. It does not exhibit the three marks of existence. Time is compounded, a fabrication, and it falls into the realm...
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    Are you asking why the Buddha gave discourses?
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    You can find this in the Digha Nikaya. I don't recall ever seeing a direct reference to Jains, although in his notes to the Digha Nikaya, Maurice Walshe connects Mahavira with one of the Buddha's contemporary ascetics. Nevertheless, the Buddha simply said he sees with his divine eye those who...
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    End destiny of man and life in Buddhism.

    The destiny of man and the universe is death, for what has arisen must cease. There is nothing facile about this fact - in accepting it or facing it. It is the ignorant who skirt the important questions, not of what is real, but what is effective, meaningful. What is meaningful to you Susma?
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    Rebelling is what people do when they think that someone else is responsible for their suffering. Buddha has said this to be delusional. Other groups of ascetics resented the Buddha because his order received all the respect and patronage of the king and the lay people.
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    Saraswati features in the Buddhist pantheon. Saraswati Bhawan - Acharya Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche's Dharma Activities Website
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    A wellspring of Faith

    When I became interested in Buddhism my perspective was heavily weighted on self observance, at the cost of others. That has turned around drastically with my concentration on spiritual matters. This little dithyramb was prompted by a dispute with my lady-friend. Enjoy. The ebb and flow of...
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    Facing death.

    I would tell you that your house burned down with all your belongings and relatives in it, this, because a candle turned over while they were having a prayer circle for your benefit. Because of the enormous benefit of this act, all your relatives have been reborn in Akanishta, where they are...
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    bodhisatva or arhant?

    Prove it.
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    I am not sure if i understand the notion of Chittamatra

    Seven Works Of Vasubandhu, The Buddhist Psychological Doctor by Anacker, Stefan I recommend this book :)
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    I am not sure if i understand the notion of Chittamatra

    Earlier schools held that the personal self is impermanent but that all other is inherently existing. The question then asked was, "If the personal self is unreal, then what continues in rebirth." Asanga (a Chittamatran) then said that mind itself continues, but that all phenomena, including...
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    What does Buddhism say aboot:

    Buddhism isn't about policing what it's adherents do, so you can drop the defensiveness. That itself, is a cause for suffering (in this case separation), which is what Buddha taught how to abandon.
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    bodhisatva or arhant?

    Careful not to draw similarities between religions because some of the iconography is the same. If we were to do that, then you might think Catholics were heading the same direction as Hari Krishnas and Nyingmapa yogis just because they all use a mala. What we know today as 'Hinduism', and...
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    What does Buddhism say aboot:

    If meditation is for clarity, how does marijuana make things any clearer?
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    Religion and Existential Angst.

    In his "Two Traditions of India - Truth and Silence", Alex Wayman describes the heterogeneous nature of early Indian soteriologies, particularly looking at the Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanishads, and their relationship with Buddhism. For in the Brihad', union with Brahman is achieved...
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    Slightly primitive. Look out for "Vasubandhu".