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  1. S

    Buddha Dharma in the West

    Perfect intentions comes before perfect speech. If a lioness swats her cub into line, it is because her intention is foremost, and her actions (effort/speech) comes afterward. From a narrow perspective the lioness is not acting in the best interests of the cub, but from the wider view, which...
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    Buddha Dharma in the West

    Namo Pathless I think, rather, Buddhists aim at being unattached to their identity. Loss and gain are like birth and death - dualisms. There's no refuge in loss, as sooner or later it will give way to gain. I think also people have different approaches to posting on forums. I've said some...
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    Devotion to the Guru

    When you gain an understanding, or rather intuit the ramifications of sunyata/emptiness, it becomes clear that a support is required, something beyond our ordinary experience. If everything is dependent on everthing else and all is impermanent, then what could you place your trust in? What...
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    Buddha Dharma in the West

    Things are not always what they seem. Perhaps the bickering is a medium for something deeper and more profound? They say the nature of mind is always there, we just don't recognise it. You know, people don't pay attention unless there's something going on. A show about people being content...
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    Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden

    Tempered thin or grown in weight, it's hard to see a different fate. Watch yourself, not otherself, and surely you will grin. For as you leave this testing ground you only miss the point, that self is other not which depends the fate, of which depends no other.
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    Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden

    People who want to do a deprecated practice. They don't have to do it, it's like Protestants marching through Catholic neighbourhoods. Just looking for a fight. If Geshe taught it secretly, that might be a different story. Could you really say what Buddhist is? In my miserable experience...
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    Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden

    Re: PS from BDCHIT Indeed! :D Well this is the problem isn't it. It's an entire lineage passed down by one man, who isn't supported by the lineage he schismed from. And when he goes, it'll be a whole lot of westerners propitiating a protector they really know nothing about. Where is...
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    Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden

    Re: PS from BDCHITA--Re: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden If we were completely convinced of what the causes of happiness are we wouldn't be here going round in circles. Which is what Lamas are for, to help us out of this mess and it's why devotion to the Lama is at the head of the...
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    in the beginning...

    Different cosmologies are found in many Buddhist traditions. :& Can't remember seeing anything particular about the origin of this world system (Jambudvipa). Maybe cause and effect? The mind? :) The wheel of cyclic existence (the one with Yama, the lord of death) is about the closest I can...
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    daily practise

    Hi Michaellangelo I remember watching a program on a girl who had been in a fire. Her face was terribly disfigured and she had been through a lot of pain. Months after the fire, all she could think about was her plight, and it didn't allow her to get on with life. So her sister advised her...
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    First Visit to Buddhist Temple

    Wonderfully written :)
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    Buddhism question.

    Contrive to change it and it won't happen. Look, and you'll see it has always been happening. There is something already common, an opinion. Everyone has one. Does that mean they are all the same? Even if a common religion was found, you need only look at what are considered distinct religions...
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    Buddhism question.

    Nope ;) To take it a step further, the very idea of something having self nature is unacceptable, and yet phenomena manifest. And although there is nothing absolute, the unchanging nature of the Buddha mind can be realised.
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    Buddhism question.

    The problem with such questions is that nothing can be concluded from any answer given to them whatsoever, since the premise was unreal, as implied by the question. If you were self-sufficient, then why go to heaven? If you were a permanently existing entity, then how can you lose by not going...
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    Buddhism question.

    I think where the Christian and Buddhist hells differ is in the nature they exist, as a permanent resting/suffering place, or as impermanent. So Buddhists might except hell, but a sentient being should be able to work through it. Why should good deeds in hell go unnoticed? In fact, it's easier...
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    Is emotional suppression healthy?

    Indeed, ideally one should not suppress emotions for the reasons you have mentioned, this is not helpful. Monastic life however requires that one's conduct be impeccable, since it is the livelihood of the ordained - they are dependent on the lay community. In the Vajrayana traditions of...
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    Buddhist school lineage, correct?

    "Mahasamghaka" should read "Mahasanghika" as in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha. The three refuges. Tibetan Buddhism is the Vajrayana, but not necessarily the other way. (Newari Buddhism in Nepal is also Vajrayana) Either way, both consider themselves Mahayana. What you're trying to do is...
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    Enlightment in 7 hard days, anyone done it?

    Why so? Through many births I wandered in Samsara; Seeking, but not finding the builder of this house, Painful is repeated existence! Housebuilder! You are seen now, You shall build no house again. Your rafters are broken! Your ridge-pole is shattered. To dissolution goes my...
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    Differences Between Buddhist And Hindu Meditation

    Namo Hey Agnideva. In Buddhist Tantra mantra recitation and controlling the breath are used in advanced meditation practices to do with the subtle body (prana) so there is that in common. Chogyam Trungpa says with Buddhist meditation there is no object of meditation. Any support which we...
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    Baha'i Citation of Buddhist sutras

    An interesting choice of words three paragraphs down...: The path IS the goal. ;)