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  1. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    Ok. You're coming at it from the direction that consciousness evolved into form. I think form evolved into consciousness. only trying to understand and help. There's nothing wrong with yours, but you have conceded in your thread on enlightenment that in order to have a productive...
  2. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    Well if we are to agree on anything, then it is advisable that you familiarise yourself with the general understanding of what enlightenment is. Simply becoming aware of the self has not been the definition of enlightenment from any of the disciplines I've explored. Enlightenment is always seen...
  3. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    And we are consciousness, so we're trying to break free from our form, which brings us suffering, just as our forms try to break free of their environment. Then why contrive to humour me? You're in a circle here. You want to make me happy, but you don't. I'm not the sniper, I'm the body...
  4. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    Indeed, but how is this possible if we regard our state of mind as having reached it's climax? So long as one suffers, one is not enlightened. And yes, this is experiential. I am not enlightened and I'm still suffering, so there we go. :D
  5. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    So by default it is a spiritual term, unless otherwise stated?! :confused: Yes. Necessary for survival, which is dependent on it's driving mechanism, suffering, which is exactly what Buddhists want, and everyone else should be trying, to transcend. Nah, I don't buy that. Just have another...
  6. S

    Sensual Snapshots

    Sounds more like Alchemy, or Tantra. Nitpicker to the rescue! Form is one of the aggregates of the illusory self. Enlightenment is not destruction of the aggregates, it is realisation of their nature. The term 'Light' is simply a simile for awareness. The highest state of meditation in...
  7. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    My point was not that they don't discuss it, but rather that they don't forbid the use of the word, as you presumptiously predicted. Wonder who that could be? :) How ironic. Synthesis is not a part of Buddhism. Tolerance, however, is very much so. :> Vapour, Vapour... Slow down...
  8. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    Enforced?! :D E-Sangha is the biggest Buddhist forum on the web. You'll get a much broader perspective. :) If no one means to be derogatory when using the word Hinayana, then what is the problem? The word is only as powerful as the meaning people...
  9. S

    Learning Dialogue

    But if you weren't always seeing and hearing the other person, then who were you seeing? (leading question) A function of an unhealthy ego? I would say it is inherent in every ego.
  10. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    So what's your agenda Vapour? Where do you stand in all of this (are you Buddhist?) and why are you so keen to see conflict where there is none?
  11. S

    Submit to God - Hypocrisy

    Either way Brian, whatever individuality we are given, it is expected to be sacrificed to God. So why have it in the first place. God gives us 'choice' and then expects us to submit ourselves to him or else face certain everlasting suffering. He makes us individual and then requires us to...
  12. S

    Divine Will versus Free Will

    Nothings turned out any which way. We still faced with the same basic questions we always have. If the universe is infinite, how can the universe ever be calculated as being ordered or chaotic? See my thread on Cold Fusion for what else Einstein said.
  13. S

    Submit to God - Hypocrisy

    He is shining light on the contradictory situation whereby we are highlighted as individuals as opposed to 'team members', and then expected to give up that individuality in submission to God. Still nothing? I'll write back with some examples...
  14. S

    (((( Sikhism Uncovered ))))

    The Brahma Kumaris tend to think like this too. Interesting. They're also from North West India.
  15. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    It isn't. Mantras are used in Pure Land, Visualisations in Zen. When I say skillful means, I mean any method that one could become attached to. This is why they are ignored by the Theravadins in general. I didn't say they were unable to, I said they don't. You are quite tiring. Who ever...
  16. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    In the Mahayana tradition, there is something which is known as 'skillful means'. You have obviously never heard of it. Vimalakirti's sutra is the first to expound this, I think. When I speak of 'skillful means' I am talking about practices such as mandalas, malas, mantras, visualisations...
  17. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    For me, the difference between Hinayana and Mahayana lies in the understanding of self, and the methods used to meditate. Hinayana do not, in general, use skillful means. Their methods are inline with the idea of non-self, whereas the Mahayana's methods are inline with the idea of dependently...
  18. S

    Theravada Buddhism

    Vajra means 'hard'. Tibetans think that a lightening bolt is a solid object, so it can be seen as the diamond vehicle or the lightening vehicle, lightening implying that it is a very fast path to follow.
  19. S

    Effects of Expanding Awareness

    I have always battled with trying to find like minded people, with trying to share with others what I learn. My dad was a teacher and it spilled over to me. I was always bored at home and always tried to get my sister to play with me. That is why the ideal of the Taoist sage appeals to me so...
  20. S

    Message of Sikhism...

    Not at all. I'm quite flattered. :)