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  1. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    I've been subscribing to a series on the Kabbala by Rabbi Shimon Leiberman out of Jerusalem .... he poses a question related to the "Oneness of God vs. the Ten Sefirot" and said this question was posed to the Rivash (14th Century) "Do you Kabbalist not also believe in many Gods, as you postulate...
  2. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    quote from flow "That's why, I believe, that the horned altar for burnt sacrifices was in the courtyard "outside" of the tent of the tabernacle in the desert in the days of the ancient Hebrews. That signifies to me that while it is contiguous to the realities of what went on inside of the tent...
  3. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    peace to you also flow .... science certainly has its place in and I agree with your statement about sacredness, it is just that I don't see science in the opening of our "inner seeing" to be able to ascertain the depth of the ancient ocean of knowledge .... but who knows, we each have our own...
  4. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    aloha e flow - there was so much in your postings, mahalo for sharing something of who you are .... just a few quick notes and then I'll get back to this .... my reference from The Zohar (Kabbalah) regarding the "flow" of streams (and from the Song of Songs) is much of what you sense and write...
  5. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    flow - thank you so much for researching the word "Lebanon" .... I saw a reference that the word "lubnan" is one of multiple derivations of white (referring to the white snow, and also the word comes from milk) .... I really like your perspective of the word as the center of our reality when it...
  6. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    aloha e flow .... thank you for your thoughts on the stories of Gilgamesh and it seems to me that the essence of these stories stem from the same source as the reference in the Song of Songs .... I believe that the "tree of life" is a metaphor for the human body and the lands to the north as...
  7. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    I would like to take this dialogue into a disussion about the meaning of Kabbalah .... or at a minimum discuss some specific passages from the Torah, the Zohar or even the Song of Songs as they relate to Kabbalism .... perhaps someone can shed some light on this passage ... Rabbi Pinhas says A...