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  1. pohaikawahine

    This is not the thread you're looking for...move along...

    Just to add to the historical note - most of the men that worked at Fort Ross were Native Americans and Hawaiians - in the 1821 census of 121 men, 24 were Russian and the rest were Native Americans and Hawaiians. Hawaiians were brought to California by John Sutter. Long and somewhat sad...
  2. pohaikawahine

    Continued Convo from the Pan(en)theism Thread on the Historical Veracity of Torah

    continue bookmark from the convo from the Pan(en)theism Thread on the Historical Veracity of Torah ....... I have little to contribute, but much to learn .... mahalo nui, poh
  3. pohaikawahine

    Hell=Violence; Karma=Non-Violence

    I believe that the way you live your life (or try to live your life) is what matters and makes a difference in the world. I don't believe in "sin and you will go to hell", but I do feel badly if I hurt someone, even inadvertendly. The other day I was playing a computer game with my grandson -...
  4. pohaikawahine

    What do you drink?

    I like Vietnamese coffee and I have a Turkish coffee grinder (which I use to grind pepper instead of coffee). My absolute favorite drink however is a cold coconut with a straw for drinking - simply take a coconut (hull and all) and place in a refrigerator or freezer - it has 3 small "eyes"...
  5. pohaikawahine

    This is not the thread you're looking for...move along...

    mahalo nui phyllis for the reference....Easter Island, aka Rapa Nui, is well known for the moai but they only stand there waiting to tell their true story (and it is not about how they were moved in my opinion) - the moai are linked in legends (for example only seven look outward toward the...
  6. pohaikawahine

    Hasidic star Matisyahu mixes it up on new album

    speaking of music - i was listening to public radio last week and heard one of the songs that was created for the poetry to Shimon Peres - it was beautiful, but I was unable to find the name of the album and the artist that sang it.... can anyone give me a link!!!! aloha nui, poh
  7. pohaikawahine


    I've been trying my best to follow these dialogues and now I am really lost. I tried to chart everything on a grid from left to right (left = liberal right = conservative) and then tried to list all the primary tenents of each. But when I started seeing reform-renewal, conservative-renewal...
  8. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    OK - the two of you have lost me completely now .... but today in my daily lessons on the Torah came an answer that I did not expect but is the most exciting thing I have read in a long time. Seems to me (and this is just my opinion) that the issue of whether one follows orthodox, reform...
  9. pohaikawahine

    Yogananda on Religion

    really beautiful - he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
  10. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    Yes, it was BB that recommended the book back in 2005 - me ke aloha pumehana, poh
  11. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    I'm sorry - maybe it was BB - I'm pretty sure it was one of you and the book is a good reference (now I'll have to go back and check my notes when I heard about this book or it will drive me crazy wondering) .... and Avi, you're welcome. he hawai'i au, poh
  12. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    Here are two other references related to Kaballah and and a book that dauer previously recommended "In the Shadow of the Ladder" Introductions to Kabbalah by Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag. There are so many books that it is difficult to tell which to read or not...
  13. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    Excuse me for jumping in (I was really planning to just read and follow the dialogue) but several times the "wisdom at 40" has come up. Just my small thoughts, but I don't think "40" has to be taken literally - it could also be symbol for another type of crossing over into a new level of...
  14. pohaikawahine

    Mahalo nui dauer - hope you get this response. I have several great nieces in the path of the...

    Mahalo nui dauer - hope you get this response. I have several great nieces in the path of the storm but it has been downgraded - thanks for your concern. I don't live in Hawaii however, I am in California - so I'm well out of the path of the storm. I got laid off from my job, so I have more...
  15. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    This dialogue is pretty much above my head, but I wanted to add a thought on your comments dauer about meditation and how you want your meditation to be jewish and not necessarily reflect another way. You know that meditation is found is many cultures, many religions, and is practices in many...
  16. pohaikawahine

    The "OF" Corral

    I was challenged to arm wrestle with my 13 year old grandson the other day - had him in a stand-off (we were at a small table in a fast food place) until he said looking around the room "grandma, what if my friends see me get beat by an old lady" - I burst out laughing and lost. He grinned and...
  17. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    I would agree with your definition of conservative and liberal. The interesting thing about conservative, liberal, or radical views of Judaism as you mention above - each depends on one's thought on what is Judaism anyway. I would venture to think that a conservative, a liberal and/or a radical...
  18. pohaikawahine

    welcome - just curious - what are the 36 chambers?

    welcome - just curious - what are the 36 chambers?
  19. pohaikawahine

    Renewal for Liberals?

    dauer - I like where you appear to be going with this .... my definition of "liberal" is all inclusive, and "conservative" is limited inclusive .... it is my belief that those that eventually cross-over into the promised land or climb that ladder rung by rung (to join the regathering) will be...