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  1. pohaikawahine

    The Ark of the Covenant

    From a web site there is a reference to the word Melchizedek which I find most insightful .... in a nutshell (coconut that is) melchizedek is not a person but a process .... the word itself comes from several roots that can be broken down as: " Mel - dark or black...
  2. pohaikawahine


    flow - I found several references in addition to your reference to the "wheel" ... these included the sacred "circle" of stones (gilgal meaning a circle) .... "removing" (Joshua carried out a mass circumcision for all those who had been born during the 40 years in the wilderness and therefore...
  3. pohaikawahine


    Mahalo flow - you are right it is Gilgal, I misspelled it .... in Joshua 4:19-20 it states that "The people came up from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and encamped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. And Joshua set up in Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken from the...
  4. pohaikawahine


    Hi - I need some help .... Gigal is one of the three places in which 12 stones were placed, in this case placed by 12 represenatatives of the tribes after crossing over the River Jordan .... I also read "After crossing the Jordan River: "Yahuweh said to Yahuwshuwa 'This day I have rolled away...
  5. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Parsha Chain (Going out with a bang)

    I thought I would jump in and go right to the end because it reconnects with the start of the cycle and completes the circle of knowledge .... VE-ZOS HABRACHAH: "And this is the blessing with which Moses, man of G-, blessed the Children of Israel before his death" (Deut 33:1). According to...
  6. pohaikawahine

    L'shana tova

    I wrote a response and then accidently erased it .... so I'll try again .... but this time it will be short .... anyway, it seems to me that although there are some differences between all traditions of Judiasm, they all have the same essence and that is what is important .... the last of the...
  7. pohaikawahine

    L'shana tova

    Happy New Year everyone .... aloha nui, poh
  8. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    aloha nui in-love, I meant to write back and say thank you for your kind words of support .... In the book "Secrets of the Future Temple" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (which was written in 1729 and just translated into English) he speaks of the third temple in depth and said that it will be...
  9. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    Thank you for your precious and kind words .... while the thread may be quiet for a while, I suspect it will not be that way for too long .... aloha nui, poh
  10. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    Hi flow - always a pleasure to hear from you .... please feel free to share your thoughts on the holy of holies .... and trust me, I am no expert on these matters .... what I can do well is interpret symbols and meanings because it is what I have done for well over 40 years on chants and legends...
  11. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    although this thread has probably gone into exile because of lack of participation, thought I would post a few additions to bring it full cycle .... I just received a new book "Secrets of the Future Temple" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (written in 1729 and recently translated into English) ...
  12. pohaikawahine

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    Birthing creations Opens our inner wisdom to begin the change
  13. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    Received both books yesterday and started to look at some background on Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (who wrote both books).... it is said he had complete mastery of the entire Biblical, Rabbinic and Kabbalistic literature, was educted in sicence and literature, and was the author of three full...
  14. pohaikawahine

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    The mighty jet soars, but it is nothing compared to our brains at work
  15. pohaikawahine

    Egalitarianism in Judaism and the Role of Women

    I'm not knowledgable enough about Judiasm to enter into this dialogue, but I'm still learning and find this thread very fascinating. There is a woman Rabbi at the synagogue near my home and I'm going to save this discussion to share with her.... aloha nui, poh
  16. pohaikawahine

    Modern Gnosticism

    Hi Lunamoth - love your new picture and your statement that "we have to get back to the garden" .... seems to me, in my humble opinion, that this is what we all seek and one of the great messages in any dialogue on comparative religions .... to my thinking gnosticism and/or mysticism are paths...
  17. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    dauer - many, many thanks for the reference .... it offers so much insight, I've ordered two books from the site "138 Openings of Wisdom" as well as "Secrets of the Future Temple" and am looking forward to receiving them .... aloha nui, poh
  18. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    aloha e dauer - I always enjoy your perspective .... and flow, I agree with what you said about the "ladder" and the "tree of life" .... the other metaphors used very frequently are the "rope" and the "spiralling snakes" .... if you ever have a chance pick up a copy of "The Cosmic Serpent ...
  19. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    I thought I would add a few more comments about Kabbalah and will quote from "In the Shadow of the Ladder" (Introductions to Kabbalah by Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag, Translation from the Hebrew by Mark and Yedidah Cohen) In some additional explanatory chapters Mark and Yedidah Cohen state about...
  20. pohaikawahine

    The ultimate comparative study?

    I believe simply that if we change our minds we can change our world .... each of us one-by-one can begin the change in the way we live our lives .... unconditional love (without definition) will take us there .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine