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  1. D

    Islam on a collision course

    I'm pretty sure Muslim is another form of the word Islam... so it would mean one who is in submission to the will of God. _________ Tao, I've been an agnostic before... I was raised Mormon, then became interested in Taoism, Islam, and then everything else. For a while I didn't believe in...
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    Why do you believe in YOUR religion

    I don't know what a puddin head is, but it must be good because religion is delicious! :D
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    nothing is omnipresent

    There is a story about someone at the beach with a cup. He keeps dipping the cup in the ocean and someone comes along and asks him what he's doing. He says he's trying to put the ocean into the cup. I forgot the rest of the story, but it's like trying to comprehend omnipresence in a human mind.
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    I don't know where I read about it, but it wasn't my idea ;) It was mentioned in this topic, but I'd read about it before. Whether the words have any etymological connection, I believe both Krishna and Christ are in Paradise and in total agreement with each Other.
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    Re: Nobel Laureates call for release of Baha'i prisoners Hopefully, hopefully, they will be set free. "Let there be no compulsion in religion." The Holy Qur'an, Yusuf Ali translation
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    how you can make Jews accept Trinity ?

    I have to agree with Alex P. I'm strictly monotheist, as Jews are, but I'm not going to (and can't) force anyone to believe something.
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    Islam on a collision course

    Yes, there is something greater than the human mind. God. I believe we were created to know God and to love God. Our knowledge of God is limited, obviously, because we ourselves are limited. Only God is All-Knowing. We worship God and are in awe of God, the One Who is greater than we can ever...
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    Why do you believe in YOUR religion

    I don't think anyone actually converts to a religion for that reason--to avoid hell. More likely people would stick with whatever their parents taught if that's their only concern--avoiding hell. By converting to another religion, different from what I was raised in, I'm viewed by those of my...
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    Francis king cracks open the Koran

    It's medicine to me :) Which forum are we in? Abrahamic religions? What is also a divine remedy to my soul is the Book of Certitude.
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    nothing is omnipresent

    I agree with that... I totally comprehend "no ending." We will go on and on and on. Makes perfect sense to me. The soul, that is. The body, of course, will go back to the earth. Tao, it's true that what makes up my body goes back a long way... but I don't remember anything before about one...
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    Maybe the first Greeks to use the word Χριστός were using it because of Krishna... from hearing people talk about Krishna, and maybe it came to mean Annointed because of what they had heard about the importance of Krishna.
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    Yep, the Greek word Χριστός was used as a translation of מָשִׁיחַ ...but I think the word itself, Χριστός, came from Krishna.
  13. D

    Islam on a collision course

    :D I know you're being funny, don't worry. What "Islam" really means is "submission to the Will of God." A Jew who is devoted to God and in submission to God is, in that sense, Muslim, even though he/she is Jewish. The same goes for a Christian, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, etc. A Muslim...
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    nothing is omnipresent

    ...said a human mind. Let's agree to disagree. I can't comprehend everything. For instance, I can't comprehend not having a beginning because I myself had a beginning.
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    Why do you believe in YOUR religion

    In high school I read a book called World Religions and also read about every religion I could find in an encyclopedia set. I couldn't pick just one, saw so much truth in all of them. In the Baha'i Faith I found that I could, and in fact to be a Baha'i I must, believe the Founders of each of the...
  16. D

    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    "...the manifold bounties of the Lord of all beings have, at all times, through the Manifestations of His divine Essence, encompassed the earth and all that dwell therein. Not for a moment hath His grace been withheld, nor have the showers of His loving-kindness ceased to rain upon mankind."...
  17. D

    nothing is omnipresent

    We are finite beings and can't comprehend the infinite. We can't comprehend the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Creator. But neither can a cat comprehend the mind of a human being, nor a flower comprehend the mind of a cat.
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    Maybe I should clarify... I believe Christ and Krishna are Manifestations of God, but I also believe that God doesn't incarnate. Hard to explain? He manifests, doesn't incarnate... i.e. the Manifestations aren't literally God, but they reflect the Light of God and represent God to humanity. I'm...
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    Yep. I don't know where I first read it, but I knew that the Greek word Christ came from the name Krishna.
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    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    I like this :) As a Baha'i I believe the divine origin of nine religions, including Hinduism. I believe Krishna was a Manifestation of God. For the Baha'i sense of that, the Book of Certitude explains. (if you need an explanation.) As mentioned earlier, the Baha'i Faith is Abrahamic, but...