Search results

  1. M

    Choosing your religion!

    The Religion Selector Your Results: 1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (94%) 3. Non-theist (92%) 4. Theravada Buddhism (85%) 5. Liberal Quakers (71%) 6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (56%) 7. Neo-Pagan (51%) 8. Orthodox Quaker (43%)...
  2. M

    Request resources here

    Is there any chance of some info on Rastafarianism. From a purely sociological point of view, the idea that they believe that Emperor Haile Selassie I is God on earth, is facinating. I cannot think of another religion in which this is the case. Also, I am unsure if it would be against what...
  3. M

    Fundamentalist Christianity

    I think it is ridiculasly unlikely, but is anyone here consider themselves a fundamentalist christian? (I would imagine the open minded nature of this site would deter any fundamentalists, but if you are members, please do say so, as I have a lot of questions I would like to put to you.)
  4. M

    Find your fairy!

    Apparently my fairy is called "Thorn Rainbowwand". She is a fortune bringer who lives in brambles and blackberry bushes, and is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover. "I don't believe in fairies" "I don't believe in fairies" "I don't believe in fairies" "I don't believe in...
  5. M


    No problem. Was that roughly what you were looking for?
  6. M


    No I quite agree. Everyone should be entitled to their opinion, whether anybody agrees with it or not. If they don't agree, and have a valid argument, then they will say so. If they don't have a valid argument (they are just being offensive for lack of an open mind), then it is likely to be them...
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    What does the Applaud and Smite in the members listing mean? At the moment everyone is 0, how does it change?
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    What precisely did you want to know? What did you mean by "How they work". Are you refering to the use of crystals in practices such as dowsing, healing etc? Healing, Insight, Intution Metaphysical Properties Of Crystals, Stones And Minerals To Aid In Holistic Healing Practice Crystal Dowsing...
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    test post

    Hey - It Works! ;D :wiggle:
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    test post

    Just a test of my own, to see if you can make an image a link to another site.
  11. M

    Wil Wheaton

    I have to say I never liked Wesley. He was just a throw-away pathetic geeky kid who was never of any real significance in the show, its quite unsurprising that Wil Wheaton decided to leave. I remember seeing him in the film "Toy Soldiers" years ago and being impressed with his acting ability. On...
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    Bill Hicks

    I quite agree he will be sadly missed. The guy had an amazing habit of turning the smallest things into big political rants, but never strayed far from the truth, hence the messages in his humour were always quite powerful. That dig at fundamentalist christian beliefs was one of the funniest...
  13. M

    What is a Foundationist?

    I'm afraid I still don't fully understand. My understanding of the term agnosticism (and correct me if I am wrong) is that it is the belief that it is impossible to know whether God exists, or in some cases that it is impossible to know the true nature of the universe. By this definition I would...
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    Bill Hicks

    "And you know what's wild, people's, er, attitudes in the States about it. Talking about Kennedy, people come up to me: "Bill, quit talking about Kennedy, man. Let it go. It's a long time ago - just forget about it." And I'm like alright, then don't bring up Jesus to me. As long as we're...
  15. M

    What's your magical style? - fun

    Turns out I'm a pyschic vampire! Not sure if thats a good thing or a bad one? Why am I a vampire? I'm not evil, just misunderstood! ;D