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  1. M

    Homosexuality and Religion

    Regards to all A few things that I have noticed from the so many replies here is that among the Christians, there is a great concept of forgiveness. I respect that. The Qur'an also has a good concept of forgiveness, its called Taubah(sincerely praying for forgiveness). But in Islam, there is...
  2. M


    Regards to all, especially samabudhi :) Sorry for interruption but I really needed to reply to samabudhi. I make logical statements for a few reasons. Firstly, they can be understood quickly as they are somethings that you can easily argee or disagree, no need to go deeply. Secondly, I...
  3. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Regards to all. You have disappointed me Banjo. I told you to ask someone who knows and you are again rushing towards making judgements without listening to them. May be faith has got a lot to do with sharia as well, but this may be something that you are not going to understand. You are...
  4. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Banjo! you call yourself a lawyer? You are so eager in making a judgement without knowing the arguments from the other side. I told you that I am not well versed in this subject, I am not a scholor, not even had any proper education in this matter. Only heard and read acticals and lectures and...
  5. M


    I have noticed a question at several places that why are'nt we born believers and why are we full of flaws. I gave a few arguments to a friend and they were regarded as satisfying. May be they will help satisfy you people as well. Firstly, we have a free will. Face it, we can do things with...
  6. M


    I would like to make a few comments about extremisum when attached with religion. They do it so that people would not question them, rather their beliefs, or as said, using their beliefs to cover up their acts. The Jews did it, the Christians did it, the Muslims did it and lets not forget the...
  7. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Banjo, when I said true law, I really mean't the true Islamic law. Sorry if I missed it out earlier. Secondly, there is a door opened for addition in the Islamic law. There are levels, I mean, for a decission, first we look into the Qur'an and the Hadiths. If we do not find any such case there...
  8. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Point noted. You are keen in making observations. :) We do not question the Qur'an, but we must know it to follow it. When we will know it, we will come to know the truth. In a way, we are reseaching it. If someone is altering it's teachings, the research I refferd to was about knowing what is...
  9. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Regards banjo. I am glad to know about your appraoch, i.e. about learning. Now, from the points you discussed, again, I am not well versed in the Sharia criminal law and how the laws are working in many countries. From the stats you placed forward, it becomes very difficult to obsevre the...
  10. M


    A couple of questions for kkawohl/kurt. Not for deep arguments, just somethings that I want to confirm from you. Firstly, do you believe that the Bible and the Qur'an were revealed from God? Secondly, do you think that God can, in any way, tell a lie or make a mistake? Please answer breifly...
  11. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Regard to all. I am a Muslim, but not a lawyer. Sorry to say, I am not well versed in the Sahria law, especially the criminal law. I really wish and pray to Allah(the Almighty God) that there would be more Muslims here who are good in this topic. I cannot give you good arguments about the...
  12. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Just so you know, the law of an 'eye for an eye' was brought forward by Moses(P.B.U.H) and is present in the Torah. It was a good law for its time as there were no courts. Anyone takes your eye, you can take his. When Jesus Christ(P.B.U.H) came, the law was changed. It is mentioned in the Gospel...
  13. M


    6. Do we still need to follow the teachings of prophets who lived in the past, or can we be inspired directly by God, without intermediaries? I follow the Qur'an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H), will InshAllah(by the will of Allah) always follow them. I know and can prove that...
  14. M


    Regards to all. Sorry for redirecting the current topic, but after doing a little homework I have arranged the answers/arguments to the questions that Kurt posted. I really wanted to share them with you. Firstly, I would like to say that I am a Muslim, I will give my view according to the...
  15. M

    The Evolution Conflict

    Regards Andreas Still, there are missing links, big time. Also the statements brought up against it are strong and cannot be explained by evolution. I am not saying that it cannot happen, I am saying that it can be if and only if God wishes it to happen. God, in the religious scriptures...
  16. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    Tell me one thing, where is the no logic in that. I told you that the commandments from Allah have got hidden benefits. We hold the will of Allah more dear to us then these benefits. Even if we tried to examine the commandments as you claim, we would have ended up having different opinions and...
  17. M


    Firstly, concider how the verse is translated by different translators. 005.090 YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. PICKTHAL: O...
  18. M

    Jews and Muslims: Contamination of food?

    Regards to all. I live in a Muslim country, there is no chance of this kind of contamination. Also, if such a case happens that a person eats a chicken without knowing that it is contaminated, he will not be regarded sinful for it. Still, it is better to avoid if one can. A question that I...
  19. M


    Walaikum as Salam The only thing that I am sure of according to the knowledge that I have is that Jesus(P.B.U.H) will return as a Muslim, a follower of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H). This I do not know, may be some other Muslims will know better, that whether Jesus(P.B.U.H) will be able to...
  20. M

    Misconceptions and quries about Islam

    About tolerance, I heard yet another lecture based on which I have gathered a few points and I hope that it will turn out to be a good article. Islam and Tolerance As I said earlier that it is important for every Muslim to practice tolerance and patiance. In the Holy Quran, the critaria...