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  1. mirrorinthefog

    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    Regardless of what one believes, he or she is required to respect your views. You sound like you're trying to win over converts instead of promoting tolerance. There is just as much bigotry in existance among followers of other religious paths as well-regardless of what their faith might...
  2. mirrorinthefog

    Would you live your life again?

    I agree wholeheartedly. Most of the problems I've had in life have been caused by other people who can't keep themselves to themselves. It drives me crazy.
  3. mirrorinthefog

    Life After Death

    All is possible :)
  4. mirrorinthefog

    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    The verses you quote I don't think are "clear" proofs...In fact, I don't understand the point of this thread, Friend. Are you trying to convince people of the validity of your faith? Or are you trying to win converts? I don't think either is necessary. We are here to celebrate our diverse...
  5. mirrorinthefog

    Life After Death

    Dear Sacredstar, As I said before, I don't think it's right to blindly deny the possibility of life after death. It certainly is possible, and nobody can-at least at this point in time-disprove it sufficiently. But when it comes to the question of why I'm here, personally...the...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    The Feminine Face of GOD

    I agree that "God" is something beyond our physical trappings and doesn't need a gender to define itself-we do that for our own purposes.
  7. mirrorinthefog

    Life After Death

    It's a compelling issue, and one that I'm interested in researching further (Thanks a lot for the link :D). But I'm not too sure if it applies to everyone. I'm a bit leery of saying offhand that I have a "soul" in the Judeo-Christian sense, and that it would remain intact after death. Like the...
  8. mirrorinthefog

    Is it wrong I fear re-incarnation?

    I'm not going to prove anything to you, but here's my two cents worth on the matter. The idea of "self" is an arguable one. It means many different things to many different people. I don't think Budhha took an easy way, the easiest would have been simply to shrug off what he saw and go...
  9. mirrorinthefog

    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    Is it really necessarry to attack someone's religion when you don't agree with what they say and how they say it? Even though I don't consider myself Muslim, I find it harsh and uneccessary to sprout anti-____(insert religion/idea/concept/creed here) propoganda against someone when you are...
  10. mirrorinthefog

    Islam, Am I right?

    That's very noble of you, but is this the place to do this?
  11. mirrorinthefog

    Islam, Am I right?

    It seems you're going off on humans from a particular region though. Although I don't agree with everything done throughout history by the Turks, there's no point in sprouting propoganda. Do we have a right to hate Germans because of the atrocities committed decades ago by Hitler? Or Italians...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Islam, Am I right?

    With all due respect, Arabs suffer from other Arabs, Greeks suffer at the hands of other Greeks, men suffer from men...Blaming all the problems of the world on one ethnicity really doesn't help, it makes things worse, so does making religion the scapegoat for our own problems.
  13. mirrorinthefog

    Restrictions on non-Muslims?

    Something I take issue with in this case.... "Arab" seems to be used interchangably with "Islam" more and more in the west. A lot of the restrictions in Arab countries placed on non-muslims don't exist in other parts of the Muslim world. Everyone who is Arab is not muslim, and everyone who is...
  14. mirrorinthefog

    A Thought . . . .

    Hi Lensmanz313, and welcome to CR :D I agree with you. I like playing around with ideas, no matter how much they oppose my views, and I try to put myself in the other person's shoes. One thing that puts me off is people who are unwilling to consider an alternative viewpoint-regardless of...
  15. mirrorinthefog


    Just to be the devil's advocate... :D It might be easier for one to sympathize with physical pain or incurable disease, but what about emotional pain, which can be just as devastating? Should individuals suffering from psychological and emotional trauma be allowed to end their pain by taking...
  16. mirrorinthefog

    What is heaven like

    The interpretation I offered was of the same verses, therefore I saw no reason to reiterate what was already written. As far as the "sunnah" goes, there are those who do not agree with using that as a base for Islamic law...I came from a school of thought that is non-denominational, as it were...
  17. mirrorinthefog

    What is heaven like

    Do post as much as you wish about this topic. Nobody's trying to pressure you to answer before you are ready. :) However, I don't think I want to post any further to this board. These are not at all the things I was taught, this is not the Islam I was raised with...Still I have no desire to...
  18. mirrorinthefog

    What is heaven like

    I was taught that Heaven was beyond the material realm. The "beautiful virgins" and the luxuries involved with heaven, I thought, were symbols that defined God's grace and forgiveness, not literal objects or people. "Virgin" simply meant purity, and a return to one's true nature-innocent, at...
  19. mirrorinthefog

    What is heaven like

    Beautiful madiens?? Why? Could these things be interpreted figuratively?
  20. mirrorinthefog

    A question of faith....or not.

    Hi Winged Wolf, I'm going through the same thing myself. I always considered myself a believer in divinity, in whatever shape or form, but it seems the more I look into the various forms of expression religion and the divine takes, the more I feel alienated from it and from others. I was...