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  1. mirrorinthefog

    A Great Response

    I've heard this story and this statements so many times it seems like people automatically respond this way to the question of evil. It has fossilized and become cliched already. I don't agree with it, but that's just my opinion...of course anything is possible and everyone is entitled to...
  2. mirrorinthefog

    About The End time in Islam

    I don't understand why we obsess over such things..."End times are approaching all be warned"...It's like doing your homework because you know it's almost due. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Aren't we supposed to learn at our own pace? Isn't the point to learn and understand what you're doing...
  3. mirrorinthefog

    Christian Fundamentalism

    I recently read this book and found it very helpful in understanding fundementalism in the Abrahamic faiths, which I didn't realize was rooted so deeply in the modern period. It sheds some light on why fundementalists are so incredibly hostile and where their frame of mind originated. It's sadly...
  4. mirrorinthefog

    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    In my opinion, not being able to prove something doesn't mean it's impossible. It just means it's unproven. There are things that we can never prove...That just means we can't validate their existance, that doesn't mean they don't exist. There's no need to criticize someone's personal...
  5. mirrorinthefog

    Is Scientific Materialism enough to live happily?

    Welcome to CR Fenrus Grim :) I, Brian already covered most of what I wanted to say, I would just like to add that, although technology has raised the standard of living in developed, industrialized countries, it has been used as a means of exploitation and oppresion in countries that have...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Blue, Well, going by the logic you've presented, "natural" would be whatever is most practically and logically suitable for the environment we live in. If "natural order" is as you claim in fact only Chaos, then why not let it prevail? Wouldn't that be more reasonable then trying to...
  7. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Dear Blue, My question is, why is there a need for a morality and ethical system in the first place? Why bother with ethics at all? Shouldn't we just leave things to their "natural" order?
  8. mirrorinthefog

    About The End time in Islam

    I don't recall reading most of what you have down there as signs in the Qur'an.
  9. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Just to be the devil's advocate, for the sake of arguement :) If there is no natural justice, then our deeds have no bearing on our overall well being, no matter how moral or immoral, and everything is left to chance. Why bother with artificial concepts of morality, since they seem to...
  10. mirrorinthefog

    why do we worship the quran more than god?

    THE right faith??? With all due respect, Friend, that sounds a little too preachy to me. Are you dismissing all other paths as incorrect?
  11. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Blue, I understand what you're saying, and it's not that I disagree with it. I'm just playing the devil's advocate. Sacredstar mentioned that someone who is objectively trying to reach God can also reach him, whether he/she beleives in him or not. I don't agree with that, although I...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Well, then, arguably, what Sacredstar is saying is also true. If more than one person can objectively experience something strongly, then they can accept it as valid. Science, after all, is a human invention, for humans, using human resources. The material world is our invention. Our perception...
  13. mirrorinthefog

    What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?

    I have no clue why I'm here, perhaps there really is no point in it all. My mission is simply to continue existing as long as possible, and to live in harmony with others as much as I can. Whether or not there's a point to it is something I won't know until I'm dead. And if there isn't...well, I...
  14. mirrorinthefog

    Is Buddha right?

    Admittedly I'm not a Buddhist, and I could be terribly wrong in my interpretation, this is just my two cents worth. I've read about Zen philosophy in particular, and it seems to me that the fact that every human being is different and can contribute something to the practice is part of the idea...
  15. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Hi Sacredstar :) I don't think Blue is trying to discourage anyone from communing with the Divine, as much as stating that the human experience is subjective. Of course anyone can contact God, but first they have to believe in God, so as to prepare themselves for the experience :) Otherwise...
  16. mirrorinthefog

    Is Selflessness Good, And Does Religion Breed Selfishness?

    I believe ego can't be destroyed, but it can be controlled for the sake of preserving the self and the community which the self needs to survive. It's not "good" or "bad", it simply is. We can't-and shouldn't feel pressured to-condemn ourselves for being who we are. And I don't think religion...
  17. mirrorinthefog

    Why Believe????

    I agree. One shouldn't automatically dismiss an arguement that is strange to him or her, or somehow deviates from generally accepted methods or tradition. After all, that's how many religions begin, as alternative forms of thought that were novel for their times :)
  18. mirrorinthefog

    Women and Islam P:I

    Greetings, Persona Actually, no. Many of the practices in Islamic countries are the remnants of very old customs that predate this religion. Some (such as burying female children alive) are pagan customs. The fact that a "soul" is mentioned here, and that from it sprung "its" mate, is...
  19. mirrorinthefog

    Is God omniscient or limited?

    I agree. God can be limited and limitless, existant and non-existant all at the same time, depending on how we look at it.
  20. mirrorinthefog

    bumper sticker philosophy

    Hehehe I like that one :D