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  1. mirrorinthefog

    Tarot cards

    I think it depends on the person. Some people learn better with different decks. I started off with the Rider-Waite deck, and "Tarot for Dummies", which I still use as a reference, but I don't know if it's the best book out there, since I haven't had a chance to look at very many other books...
  2. mirrorinthefog

    Favorite Song Lyrics

    I'll start off w/ one Playground schoolbell rings, again Rainclouds come to play, again Has no one told you she's not breathing ? Hello, I'm your mind, giving you someone to talk to...Hello... If I smile and don't believe Soon I know I'll wake from this dream Don't try to fix...
  3. mirrorinthefog

    Favorite Song Lyrics

    Thought I'd start a thread for favorite song lyrics ^.^
  4. mirrorinthefog

    bumper sticker philosophy

    T.G.I.F.=Thank God I'm Female
  5. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Arsaanj20, you're asking us to do the impossible. Though I value your viewpoint, I can't agree that religion itself can be seperated from its followers. Granted, there is a smear campaign going on, and many people are being grossly misinformed about Islam. But philosophy is just a bunch of...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    There is always a minority that is mistreated, in every society, regardless of its high moral standards, or lack thereof. There is no perfect system. Therefore, I have to strongly object to romaticizing the past in the name of any religion. Our versions of what was is inheritly distorted...
  7. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Good point, but how do you know they wouldn't be living in the same conditions without Islam?
  8. mirrorinthefog

    is Evil real?

    At this point in time I don't really believe in evil or in good, as much as in what is socially and personally acceptable and unacceptable. There are some rules which we obey perhaps because it is in our nature to do so (I don't think anyone would agree that murdering another human being is...
  9. mirrorinthefog

    Why Believe????

    I'm just as undecided :( Which is not always a good thing, but I would rather doubt things I see than blindly accept what someone tells me.
  10. mirrorinthefog

    Which history would you visit?

    Aw do I have to pick just one :( Because I'd like have been through it all actually. lol. Plus it'd be fun to stir things up a bit at crucial times *evil grin* Reincarnation is possible, but I don't think it's something we all experience. (I don't think I was-or will be-reincarnated.)
  11. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    OK, this thread just ticked me off big time. 1. Persona, I understand your angst, but I don't know if it's really fair to say you feel pity for someone who might be following what they believe is right. My parents converted to Islam because they wanted to, not because they came from a country...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Are miracles real?

    There may be some merit to miracles, ones for which there are no apparent explanations that we are able to prove on way or another actually took place. However, just because we can't see the answer to how something happened doesn't mean the answer's not there. Conversely, just because we may...
  13. mirrorinthefog

    OBE and Reincarnation.

    Well I was raised with Islam, and as far as I have read, there isn't anything in the Qur'an that openly contradicts reincarnation. It's been a while, so I may be wrong, but I have actually read translations from scholars who argued the possibility of reincarnation, at least for some. I don't...
  14. mirrorinthefog

    Who believes, death is just the beginning?

    My condolences, Alexa. I also don't share the belief that death is the beginning of any sort of progression. It's simply a return to wherever we came from. No judgements, no great revelations or ascent. Just....nothing. You die and are once again part of the makings of the Universe. Some of...
  15. mirrorinthefog

    Why do nasty people prosper?

    I agree 'nasty' people simply take advantage of a situation or exploit what resources and time is available for their own benefits, and they might be simply displaying burried and frustrated aggression which to some degree is encouraged by society. However, I think there are other factors to...
  16. mirrorinthefog

    The Tooth Fairy

    When I inevitably began to loose teeth (which by the way was in no way 'traumatic') I was told of the tooth-fairy, in a very tongue-in-cheek way, and my parents and I both knew that it was a sort of game: one which they would engage, and I would try to catch them at it before they could cover...
  17. mirrorinthefog

    What's your favorite movie?

    Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. the Name of the Rose Pirates of the Carribean Minority Report A.I. Office Space Jumping Jack Flash Brotherhood of the Wolf There's more but I don't want to go on and on :P
  18. mirrorinthefog

    What is your favorite Iced Cream flavor?

    I like Neopolitan, has everything i want in one package :D
  19. mirrorinthefog


    I don't believe in vampires, of any kind, although I find the concept fascinating as fiction.