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  1. elumin8

    The spirit

    Um, no, just questions as usual. Are the spirit and the soul different things?
  2. elumin8

    The Soul

    Well, I'm going to be pesky and disagree with you on some points again. 1. I don't know what this sentence means 'The soul itself is love'. What is the soul and how is it identical to love? 2. So the soul only contains nice stuff. Why? How do you know? 3. Having nice things in your soul...
  3. elumin8

    The Soul

    That's disturbing news. Can they do something about it?
  4. elumin8

    The Soul

    Well, I'm a modern kind of guy!
  5. elumin8

    The Soul

    I agree ... kind of. But I tend to reserve the word 'data' for the physical, for the repeatable and empirical. Metaphysical claims tend to be more experiential and subjective. That doesn't mean they are worth less but I think are harder to assign truth values or probabilities to. They are more...
  6. elumin8

    Jesus and the bride

    I just thought as long as we were getting our metaphysics from movies ...
  7. elumin8

    Jesus and the bride

    I sense a disturbance in the Force, Luke.
  8. elumin8

    The Soul

    Hmm, possibly. What the heck IS metaphysical data anyway?
  9. elumin8

    The Soul

    What scientific data? Radarmark just explained how the scientific data in no way supports your view. Remember there was a time when we confidently thought the Earth was the centre of the solar system. Surprisingly, some loonies still do despite all the evidence against it. We need to face the...
  10. elumin8

    The Soul

    I disagree with the certainty with which you state various ideas. Let's take an example. You say the Earth is the centre of the universe. Modern physics and astronomy tells us (based on good evidence) that the universe has no centre. Now it is possible (but I think very unlikely) that you may be...
  11. elumin8

    The Soul

    I remain unconvinced that soul exists. You have a lot of other beliefs about the universe that I also disagree with. That's ok. If they help you I'm happy for you.
  12. elumin8

    The Soul

    Agreeing with your views is not necessarily spiritual growth.
  13. elumin8

    The Soul

    Sarcasm is my weapon of choice.
  14. elumin8

    The Soul

    lol. I really love it when people imply if I just get more spiritually developed I will agree with them.
  15. elumin8


    Welcome, I do hope you enjoy yourself. Christianity has an honourable tradition of 'dark nights of the soul'. Been through a few myself, but I always find they are creative and nourishing in the longer term.
  16. elumin8

    Jesus and the bride

    I am still unsure how this relates to the metaphor of the Bridegroom and the Bride.
  17. elumin8

    The Soul

    That's your opinion and I'm sure it's helpful to you.
  18. elumin8

    Jesus and the bride

    Where does he mean 'human'? Could you expand this idea a little more.
  19. elumin8

    The Soul

    Emotions can be traced to chemical reactions. We can induce emotions in people. If we die, all our chemical and hormonal actions cease. Is the a mind without a brain? We have no empirical evidence there is. It's one of those things I suspect might be true. In the same way can there be emotions...
  20. elumin8

    The Soul

    Nope? Nothing? Perhaps I should start a new thread along those lines.