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  1. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    Oh, thank goodness! Because, he was so mean, cruel, and vendicitve, and laughing about his behavior towards me! Why, I could tell you some other stories which would make your hair stand on end! For example (I'm relatively openly gay...I hope this doesn't bother anyone), and when I first got...
  2. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    Personally, I do not (and cannot/could not) buy into this philosophy of theology, myself. It seems like such an empty, and lonely, existence. Yeah...I know what that means. And, will admit that this is my philosophy, believing that we are "sparks from the Divine sparkler". ;o)...
  3. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    Yeah, hopefully it'll stay rather light, due to something which happened on another board I belong to (a Wiccan board). A member joined, and started using soime bad language rather casually. And, with some such young members, that wasn't cool! So...I asked them to watch their l;anguage. And...
  4. W

    What book are you reading at the moment?

    True to my anture, I multi-task, so...I'm reading the following books: The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy, by 2 Anonymous Initiates Another Mother Tongue, by Judy Grahn The Gods of the Celts, by Miranda Green In Search of Schrodinger's Cat: Quantum Physics & Reality, by John Gribbin The...
  5. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    It may also interest anyone to know that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who dies in 1902 (if I've got my dates correct) also prayed to The Goddess, and was a Christian. She even published "The Woman's Bible", all before Gadner had been Initiated as a Witch (if I'm remembering correctly).
  6. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    Nice to meet you! Well, "diabolos" doesn't so much mean "slanderER", as "slanderous", according to my dictionary. And, based on the evidence, which I would like to research, these meantions may have been blatant mistranslations, and re-writings. And, for whatever reasons, am convinced that...
  7. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    However, it's not just "hell" that I wish to discuss, but also debunking, as it were, "the devil". In an effort to speak to readers who may be coming from a Judeo-Christian path, to really get them to think for themself, et al. Heck, I also have many conservative Christian relatives, and would...
  8. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    Thanks! I'm open to any references you might recommend, which are very well researched, and meet the burdon of proof, as it were. A friend ona list I belong to recommended the following book, which he says is definately NOT anti-Christian: "Putting Away Childish Things: The Virgin Birth, the...
  9. W

    How I Got Here: My Matron, My Path, Myself...

    Why, thank you! Again, thank you! Some good books would be those written by physicist, F. David Peat, and "The Holographic Universe", by Michael Talbot (a fav. of mine). Well, I've been investigating this further, and found that while they do believe this, they do not allow speculation...
  10. W

    How I Got Here: My Matron, My Path, Myself...

    As you have more than likely deduced, my given name is Wade. And, I have been studying/practicing The Craft/Wicca for the better part of a decade. However, my journey to this faith was quite an interesting one, to say the least. And, looking back on it now, given the lovely Christian adage that...
  11. W

    Debunking "the devil"...

    [I'm sorry, as I was unsure where to place this, specifically. However, I shall post a more propper Intro. in a moment]: I'm in the process of researching the evidence for The Goddess in The Bible, and other Christian Godess worshipers whom hail far before Gardner's time (such as Elizabeth...