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  1. R

    Interfaith as a Faith

    Thanks, Luna. I see you're in an impossible situation. Brian won't allow you to exonerate a person. You're between a rock and a hard place. It's not your fault. Sorry for the blasting. I'm human, too. Ruby
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    This tells me you're an honest person. You do your own thinking. A woman after my own heart.:)
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Unfortunately, there is no forgiveness on this site. Brian tells me once we have posted something we have to take responsibility whether or not we apologize. Deleting a post is a form of apology. I deleted my post as a form of apology. He rejects it. I guess that applies across the board...
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Kay, you bring light with you:). I've been thinking about this interfaithing thing. I used to be a fundamentalist, too, at least outwardly. I found it most frustrating that people interfaithed so much that they always just applauded our way of life and never shared their own views. The minute I...
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Bolo, I have done enough formal studying of fundamentalism to know that you are absolutely right no matter how offensive this truth is to some people. The part of your post that I made blue is something I didn't know and it is frightening. Two years ago there were three hundred megachurches in...
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Bolo, this is not in the least surprising. You ARE the enemy to fundamentalists. You point out their secret tricks. InLove doesn't like you doing that. It will hurt InLove's trade.
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    So I guess you justify yourself for posting against a deleted post. You think you have a right to call me down for a post I had already deleted. That is what offends me. I can't help it that she copied my post. I should not be held responsible for what other people do with my posts. But that...
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    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    This kind of thing happens to me all the time. There is no such thing as an original idea.
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    I have no proof exactly which minute I deleted that post but it was well before you posted this one. I think it was just before InLove posted #46. All the crap I have to put up with on here, then you "nice" guys go hold onto grudges like they were life-savers. I don't claim to be a Christian...
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    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    I will, Jiii. Thanks for explaining. Ruby
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    What defines a Christian?

    Thanks Wil. It occurs to me that I should take a closer look at the thread on Jesus, Christ, et al.
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    What Happened To Boldness?

    Researchers have found that evangelicals and fundamentalists always believe they are in the minority even when they're not. What you say here fits that mindset exactly. I don't know where to get stats on how many people leave Christianity. But Scott Thumma has done quite a bit of research on...
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    What defines a Christian?

    Thanks for this explanation, Wil. May I ask a few questions? It's because I find myself comparing my own life against that of Jesus, his teachings, and his life example that I feel I am a Christian. I interpret these things differently than fundamentalists do, but I am not sure how I compare...
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    What defines a Christian?

    I said that hundreds or thousands of people in North America have been severely hurt by fundamentalism. It is disrespectful of all these people's feelings for you to suggest that this hurt is imagined or that it was caused by something other than fundamentalism. In addition, this is not the...
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    What defines a Christian?

    Kenod, I think the topic of this thread is: What defines a Christian? NOT: What defines a fundamentalist? It will be thoughtful of you in the future to stick to the topic of the thread. Thank you. Ruby
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    What defines a Christian?

    It is with considerable embarrassment and regret that I write this. I have been made aware that there are whole populations of Christians outside the pale-faced North American and West European societies. My apologies to all of you. I am very sorry. Ruby
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    What defines a Christian?

    Jiii, I didn't mean to shut you up. Just exploring the communication problems we've been having, since you seemed to want to look at it a bit. I am quite sure I will understand you better in the future because of this conversation. So please don't withdraw and shut up just because of a few...
  18. R

    What defines a Christian?

    I'm still thinking about what defines a Christian. It's more than just finding my own identity. I am very much interested in the study of religion for its own sake. There are very many people in North America who have been very seriously hurt by fundamentalist Christianity. I am but one of...
  19. R

    What defines a Christian?

    I know you are speaking the truth because I saw it before I posted. Just not before I had written it ;) Why did I leave it in? Well, I didn't know you all that well. Some people don't differentiate between these subtle shades of meaning. Besides, given my difficulty deciding whether I'm in or...
  20. R

    What defines a Christian?

    Jiii, I don't think there is a specific religion that goes by the name fundamentalism. You told me on another thread that you're not a scholar. Glad you told me because you speak with the confidence and authority of a scholar who specializes in this stuff. I am doing my MA thesis on the history...