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    studying judaism in english

    ive never heard buddhist say this type of stuff
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    studying judaism in english

    "If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder." sometimes articles like this make you wonder if the abrahamic religions program people to be retarded
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    studying judaism in english

    im curious, obviously the prophet Elijah is extremely important in judaism? as is his disciple elisha? im unaware of anyone doing the things these two did besides jesus, not to mention elijah never really died, or did he? im curious is there anymore written about elijah and elisha outside of...
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    islam, abraham?

    "muslim woman" im sorry i insulted you. from what i understand of your description of taqiyya, its acceptable during war. im curious when you could point out the last time period in which muslims werent at war. as to what you say about me id assume you have the "reading difficulties"...
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    islam, abraham?

    hello "muslim woman" please dont be offended, i found this video and thought it was interesting, i havent studied islam, and ive just begun to study judaism. im sure there is plenty of hate between all 3 religions, history shows this of course and thank you for the information. although i must...
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    islam, abraham?

    im curious, why is islam an abrahamic religion? i understand how christianity and obviously judaism fall into that category but why islam? and this video interests me but i wouldnt know about the statements made in the video about sharia and taqiyya although a quick search of taqiyya from other...
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    "Bodily excercise" and dieting in Christianity

    well, from a medical standpoint doctors know their stuff about levels of bodyfat, its really not that complicated. if you dont know how to exercise without starving yourself you could talk to a professional or you could talk to me. im an athlete and a martial artist and ive experimented with...
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    jewish restaurants?

    i live in new england, and i thought there were traditional jewish foods but ok now ive learned something else ;)
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    jewish restaurants?

    is there such a thing? im not the biggest restaurant guy mostly because im broke but are there restaurants who specialize in jewish food?
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    Happy Rosh Hashana

    happy rosh hashana
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    studying judaism in english

    absolutely makes sense, politically and socially. and on a personal level for a common person it must have been more important back then compared to now id imagine. my curiosity was of course on this idea of the messiah and the "world after" not in the spiritual sense of heaven etc but...
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    studying judaism in english

    bb, interesting response. "G!D Doesn't take bribes, though - and we don't hold with the idea that you can "take it with you". besides, the egyptians didn't necessarily "understand" what *happens*. they just had beliefs about it, widespread or not, which we think are not only misguided but...
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    studying judaism in english

    "Modern scholars suggest that the messianic concept was introduced later in the history of Judaism, during the age of the prophets. They note that the messianic concept is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). However, traditional Judaism...
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    studying judaism in english

    what you say about christianity and islam of course youd have to agree and that is one of the biggest turnoffs for me, you know growing up a christian its almost as if fear is a big motivation for even being involved for alot of those people and they know that and exploit it often. and thats...
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    studying judaism in english

    i read through judaism 101 for a bit im still reading it i stopped on "the role of women" which is interesting. from what ive read this religion is really interesting because alot of my "personal" beliefs seem to be fundamental to judaism. i havent studied islam, but i know that obviously...
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    studying judaism in english

    thankyou for the links bb. my main interest in judaism understanding the core of the belief system, i want to read the texts for myself in english and i want to understand the influence of judaism on other religions. something im not really interested in but is apparently an issue is race...
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    studying judaism in english

    i would like to study judaism but i dont neccesarily want to learn to read hebrew right now, i know there are translations and such, so does anyone know of any good translations and where i should begin to study this religion?