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  1. sikhphilosophy

    Is Sikhism elitist?

    Sat Sri Akaal, There is no concept of elitist in Sikhism... there is not concept of hell or heaven in sikhism... you can read the articles on hell and heaven elsewhere under this forum... The God or Almighty in Sikh Philosophy is all prevading and omnipresent and resides in the hearts of...
  2. sikhphilosophy

    Happy Birthday I. Brian

    Hi Brian Many Many Happy Returns for the day... :) One this day I would love to congratulate you on your successful effort to maintain this website full of quality stuff, clean and very pleasant experience for everyone... Please keep it up and enjoy Life, Happy Birthday to You ...
  3. sikhphilosophy

    (((( Sikhism Uncovered ))))

    Religion, the source of moral and social values Human beings are called social animals. As a natural instinct, people want to live together in a society. One has, therefore, to know the proper and correct behavior towards other members of society. Much before man formed regular governing...
  4. sikhphilosophy

    (((( Sikhism Uncovered ))))

    Origin of Religions The scientists believe that earlier humans lived like wild animals. They roamed the forests for food and inhabited along the banks of rivers and lakes to meet their basic need for water. They ate the leaves, roots, and fruits of trees and plants. They also consumed raw...
  5. sikhphilosophy

    (((( Sikhism Uncovered ))))

    Dear samabudhi, May be Brahma Kumaris think like that way but the real question is: Do you agree or not... truth is prevailing everywhere, need is to realise it and spread it. Regards
  6. sikhphilosophy

    (((( Sikhism Uncovered ))))

    I was reading some articles from a prominent Sikh Writer, S. Gurbaksh Singh... Makes an informative reading... I would like to share some of the articles... and then debate.:) _________________________________________________________________ Sikhism Founded Sikhism is a Universal world Faith… a...
  7. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    haha... its my way of getting opinions from the members... and as you can see it works...;) i hope you do not copyright your comments...:D
  8. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    Sat Sri Akal I sorry for being not too active in this forum... Does not make sense to me... How does this means this suggests that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals. Please make me understand. thanx. Well... I put the same question in my forum... Let us read the...
  9. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    Thanks for the info...:) A beautiful Shabad (words of the Guru)... The line in blue is the crux of the whole Shabad (Stanza) Yoga (A Hindu theistic philosophy; union of self and the Supreme Being is sought through a state of complete awareness and tranquillity attained by certain physical...
  10. sikhphilosophy

    Gurus and Sikhism

    informative post bananabrain... thanx
  11. sikhphilosophy

    Gurus and Sikhism

    Yeah and you would never find anything true written in the history books as people like Murli Manohar Joshi, the ex-education minister was hell bent upon altering the history... infact he removed the entire chapters on Sikh history... its simply height of narrow mindedness and stupidy... They...
  12. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    Fateh Ji, Yes, that is great to read & hear but, unfortunately, there is a lot of difference in saying a thing but actively working for it and implementing it... Casteism does exist even today primarily in Hindu Samaj and I won't even say that its totally eliminated in Sikhs but its effect...
  13. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    Guru Says : "Let no man be proud because of his caste. For the man who has God in his heart, he alone is the true Brahmin. O stupid fool, be not proud of your caste, by this pride many sins arise. Everyone says there are four castes, but they are all created from the Lords seed (essence)...
  14. sikhphilosophy

    What is Sikhism?

    Fateh Ji, I am posting the same article, I just posted for replying the thread "Sikhism and Islam" elsewhere in this forum... it should be usefull...
  15. sikhphilosophy

    Sikhism and Islam

    Every now and then claims and counter-claims are made about Guru Nanak professing Hinduism or Islam. Vishva Hindu Parishad is the protogonist of the first proposition: the Ahmadiya Sect of Muslims advance the second theory. The following is an extract from the late Bhai Sahib Sirdar Kapur...
  16. sikhphilosophy

    What is Sikhism?

    What is Hinduism ? Can you define ?
  17. sikhphilosophy

    Message of Sikhism...

    What is the Supreme Religio...
  18. sikhphilosophy

    No Sikhism Forum ??

    fair enough...:)
  19. sikhphilosophy

    No Sikhism Forum ??

    Fateh Ji I am new in this forum...:) Just gazing through the forum I was surprised to realise that there is no separate forum for Sikhism...:confused: :rolleyes: It would be great if a Sikhism Forum could be introduced under this category... Looking forward to an elightening...