As far as i've been able to research into the elimental metaphore's for each Egyptian god's birth name's and throne name's, the one that relate's to the Hebrew "Breath of God" is Shu, the primeval god of the air, in the Egyptian pantheon, Moab in the Bible, and vapour in modern day science...
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here! It's typical that in the history of male intelligence of the ritual of circumcision, alway's refer's to what he's got mostly on the brain, and that's his super id reference to the phalic symbol of his prowess, instead of the process of...
It's the implosion process that occur's in the brain stem, and associated with the mechanism that result's in metempsychosis, the seperation of the soul body from the body of flesh. Dan Winter has some research on the net about this process originating from Sacred Geometry, and it's connection...
Sorry to jump right into your convo, i've just joined the forum to expand my research on the process of metempsychosis used by the ancient Egyptian's, especially the Yoking mechanism used by Any the priest, author of The Book Of The Dead, 1250 BC.
The origin of the word 'Aten' is just an...
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