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  1. P

    Islam and The Bahai Faith

    Maybe because his(Scotts) links were not attacking any faith. Whereas the link you wish to post attacks the Faith in its own forum violating the walled garden philosophy. I assume if Scott had posted a link attacking Islam in its own forum it would have been deleted also. I, Brian seems to have...
  2. P


    My choice of terminology was inappropriate in the last paragraph. It would be better to say. "Insensitively proselytise to people about their[Bahais] theological viewpoints". I also am not an official representative of the Bahai Faith and I cannot claim any authoritative insight into the matters...
  3. P


    Im sorry sometimes I dont realize how unclear I can be. I was thinking primarily of interfaith events I have attended, where they have people from different Faiths speak. And noone was trying to convert everyone. The point was to illustrate that there is a time for "evangelism" and there is a...
  4. P

    Why so much hatred toward Orthodox Baha'i/Covenant breakers?

    The Universal House of Justice is a part of the Administrative Order outlined in the Bahai writings. Even if there had been another appointed Guardian of the Faith the Universal Hous of Justice would have come into existence. Spiritual law was not violated and since it is not a secular idea but...
  5. P


    Interreligious dialogue is a time when people engage in religious discussion to clarify beliefs where noone is trying to convert the other. Or where other issues are being discussed not necessarily theological points. Thats true for you and most, but not all. I was pointing out that not all...
  6. P

    Why so much hatred toward Orthodox Baha'i/Covenant breakers?

    This page is outlines what the House of Justice is and provides quotes from the Bahai writings that support and define the House of Justice. The Universal House of Justice
  7. P

    Why so much hatred toward Orthodox Baha'i/Covenant breakers?

    I think this issue was discussed in another thread. Lol Ill quote myself. "Organizations like the military can dishonorably discharge someone from military service for fomenting divisive ideas. In the classroom students are often isolated from the classroom if they become too disruptive for...
  8. P

    Concerning the Bab

    Found this on the net. I think it was from the links Scott posted. The Holy Qur'an even refers to the name of the Book which is to be revealed after the Qur'an in the Surih of Al-Rahmaan: "Ar-rahman allam al-Qur'an khalaqa al-'insaan allama-hu al-Bayaan." -Qur'an 55:1-4 This Arabic passage is...
  9. P

    Jesus son of Krishna?

    Its very easy to notice the differences in religions, but it seems part of our human experience is also recognizing the common factor. A Mercedes is not a Mazda but both are cars, roses are not tulips but both are flowers. No need to discredit the concept of flowers just because a rose is not a...
  10. P


    thanks Scott for the information, that is certianly something to investigate. "Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you.." There is no specific call to reprimand religious custodians here. It seems to...
  11. P


    Let me point out that Bahais in Israel are not permitted to teach the Bahai Faith(Bahais agreed to this) so there is some sign of respect. Second of all you seem to draw comparisons to past persecutions of Israelites, Bahais are not allowed to go to war for religion even in self-defense and are...
  12. P


    The Bahais don't necessarily believe that there religion is better in fact they believe that all religions have a similar foundation. "There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the...
  13. P


    I think Scott posted this here not as a challenge to duke it out, but to direct hostile or aggresively inquisitive posts away from the other forum. Debates over certain issues were spilling into other unrelated threads.
  14. P


    The Bahais don't necessarily believe that there religion is better in fact they believe that all religions have a similar foundation. "There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the...
  15. P

    'Nativity' Booted From Ill. Holiday Fair

    Im not sure if having the show offended non-Christians. But I certainly think not hacving it offended Christians. I wonder what those officials would think about that. At the very least they could respect a Religious tradition that has been a powerful force in shaping the culture of the...
  16. P

    Pope ready to bow to Allah?!

    What would Jesus do?
  17. P

    Accusations Against the Baha`i Administration in India

    Thanks to the independent investigation of of Popeyesays we were able to discern the truth of the matter as related to the topic of this thread.
  18. P

    Prophet or Manifestation?

    I mentioned in an earlier thread that Baha'u'llah considered Himself a Prophet and the Bab considered Himself a Prophet, the more precise and preferred terminology used by Bahais would be Manifestation of God or Manifestation. O thou who art waiting, tarry no longer, for He is come. Behold His...
  19. P

    Accusations Against the Baha`i Administration in India

    the Bab, he disproved all miracles and could not produce a single one when being asked to do so. Some consider this a miracle Execution of the Báb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia