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  1. D

    Mysticism in The Matrix

    The Matrixism website and canon don't mention anything about Casteneda. It appears he has no relation to The Path of the One at all. From what you say about him and what I have heard he sounds like a real quack. It sounds like should have had a good and productive mind expanding experience...
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    Covenant Breaker website?

    If what you says is true then it would have been "ego" that drove The Bab and Baha'u'llah to create new religions out of Islam. I diagree with that point of view. It seems more reasonable that as the world changes (especially due to new technology and the advancement of culture) the old order...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    You missed my point Scott. What I said is that in the future if the Baha'i Faith grows into the major world religion there will be large and healthy splinters groups most probably based on some of the many baha'i splinter groups that already exists. This could very well not come to pass though...
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    Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

    See: Matrixism: the path of the One It is my sincere hope that Matrixism rivals the Jedi Religion in the next round of world censuses. How 'bout you?
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    Covenant Breaker website?

    I am curious would the website of Matrixism (Matrixism: the path of the One, The Matrix Religion (Sim Jedi Religion)) be considered a covenant breaker website?
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    I think that you will find as the Baha'i Faith grows you will find ever more splinter groups. It only stands to reason. Christianity was very well untied itself until its ranks began to grow more dense and expansive. It is interesting to note that India has both the largest and most densely...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    One might as well ask "Why does the Baha'i religion labor so hard to tie itself in with all previous religions?" or "Why did Jesus of Nazareth try so hard to tie His movement in with Judaic prophecy?" That being said I don't think I have to "work" very hard to tie Matrixism into the Baha'i...
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    Psychedelics and Buddhism

    Johns Hopkins University just completed a study on the mystical inducing effects of psilocybin (the active ingredient in "psychedelic" or "magic" mushrooms). The results show that psilocybin does in fact genuine mystical experience. A review of this medical study can be found here: Johns...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    Of course Baha'is are not Sufi. But they do have things in commom. Namely that they are not really allowed to enter full revelation. In Matrixism people are not only allowed to enter full revelation but they encouraged to do so. Also for your information Matrixism is not the same as pantheism.
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    A recent study related to neurotheology was done at Johns Hopkins University involving the mystical effects of psilocybin. A review of the study can be seen here: Johns Hopkins Gazette | July 24, 2006 On a perhaps lighter note a new entheogen based religion has been made out of the movie The...
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    Science vs. Religion

    From talking with Baha'is it seems that the Baha'i Faith generally agrees with science rather well until you discuss things like evolutionary anthropology, neurotheology or transpersonal psychology. All of these are sciences that would have been unknown to The Bab, Baha'u'llah or Abdul Baha thus...
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    Mysticism in The Matrix

    No one here is talking about Carlos Casteneda. But for the record he wasn't so much of a fraud as he was guided/manipulated by a fraud (there is a difference). Did you have that sort of dirt done to you back in the days when you "dropped acid, did pscilocybe mushrooms and peyote"? I venture to...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    In "The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys" Baha'u'llah specifically says to step back at what appears to be the threshold of divine union. My interpretation of it (and it is not mine alone) is that this represents an incomplete mystical union with the divine. You are to step back unless you are...
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    Mysticism in The Matrix

    A study was done recently at Johns Hopkins University regarding the mystical effects of psilocybin mushrooms. The results of the study show that psilocybin does indeed induce genuine mystical experience. An outline of the study and its results can be found in the Johns Hopkins Gazette here...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    The point is that the "living guardian" was promised in the Baha'i writings to be the solution to the skisms that often plague religion. Unfortunately as I have said before The Hands of the Cause of the Baha'i faith took it upon themselves to do away with a living guardian. According to the...
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    Star Wars and the 'Jedi' faith

    Seems to me like most major religions believe in much nuttier things than do Matrixism and the Jedi religion. Between virgin births, people rising from the dead, new borns speaking at birth and magic carpet rides the major religions believe in some zany stuff tyo say the least. To believe that...
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    Star Wars and the 'Jedi' faith

    I'm going to have to say that the Jedi religion is in fact a religion and really should be classified as such. Just check out: They've gone throught the trouble of registering as a non-profit religious organization. Are they serios about it? They sure seem...
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    Does the Baha'i Faith Allow Spiritual Medicine?

    I just read an about a recently published study involving the mystical potential of psilocybin. The study, done at Johns Hopkins University, showed significant spiritual benefit from the use of the psychedelic drug psilocybin. Similar...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    Well the name of this thread is "Baha'i and Matrixism". So the relation of the thread to Matrixism should be apparent. Matrixism is related to the Baha'i Faith by virtue of what is stated about the Baha'i Faith's role in the emergence of Matrixism on the Matrixism homepage...
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    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    I disagree I think that the Orthodox Baha'i Faith represents a "major" schism. Also judging from the success in terms of popularity of the Jedi religion Matrixism could very well grow into a very significant challenge to the heterodox Baha'i Faith. Are you familiar with Matrixism?