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  1. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    In responce: Nick the Pilot Nick the Pilot you said:"Did you mean to say you would love to stop reincarnating? Perhaps you will continue to reincarnate, even after your need to reincarnate has disappared." Well if I need reincarnate then it would have to be for a valid course, like not to...
  2. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    In responce; continuation, Hevaen and Nirvana. Nick the Pilot I insist that I do not belong to a belief system, since being a gnostic I seek to know what is the truth etc by way of independent seeking and I do not wish to be over assocaited with an organision, thus " Those who seek should not...
  3. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: reincarnation and karma Andrew (Nick the Pilot), On Reincarnation: As a Manichaean I see reincarnation as a system by which we become pure, good and divine fruit to be placed on the alter of LIFE. At the end of a individuals life, typical Manichaean teaching tells of: 1:the wise, pure...
  4. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Hello I have been meaning to take up theosophy but started to get confused. I am aware that there is 7 heavens. I normally study Gnosticism (esp through Order of Nazorean Essenes). Can I get the chance to talk about theosophy step by step. can I talk step by step here or should I set up...
  5. M

    Modern Gnosticism

    Hello. I am new Gnostic, and I live in the Uk and I have been trying to see if there a gnostic Church in the Uk. It is great to see another new gnostic. I wish you the best. Andre