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  1. Pico

    Are We Really Living in “the Last Days”?

    Yeah, the world sucks. But I dunno if it's that much worse than ever before is all.
  2. Pico

    Are We Really Living in “the Last Days”?

    Heh, I meant on earth, not the Bible :p
  3. Pico

    Respectful question about Jesus (pbuh)

    Well, worshiping Jesus is not worshiping "parts" of God. It is worshiping God Himself. Hmmm... never heard of someone worshiping the Holy Spirit o_O
  4. Pico

    Are We Really Living in “the Last Days”?

    Could you give examples of what you're talking about?
  5. Pico

    A criminal was sanctioned heaven by Lord Jesus. How?

    Yeah. The man believed Jesus, so he declared unto him righteousness
  6. Pico

    Respectful question about Jesus (pbuh)

    That's true. Jesus didn't come just to deliver a message. His main goal was the redemption of mankind by being the atonement for our sins. Which is something only God can do for us. We can't do such a thing ourselves.
  7. Pico

    Do humans become Angels when they die?

    Hey, me too! *High-Five*
  8. Pico

    Respectful question about Jesus (pbuh)

    Here's something else Jesus said. In John chapter 10 Jesus refers to himself as the "Good Shepherd." This is a direct claim to be God, because he's referring to the book of Ezekiel 34:11-24 in the OT where God says that he is the Good Shepherd and will shepherd his people. Also Jesus refers to...
  9. Pico

    Respectful question about Jesus (pbuh)

    Jesus was testing the woman's faith. She knew he could heal her daughter, so she kept pleading with Him. Jesus never denies anyone but he does test them to see how strong their faith is. In the Old Testament the prophecies about the Messiah state that he will come to the aid of Israel, which is...
  10. Pico


    Why don't you read the book by someone who actually went there? I read it a long time ago, and I still remember how insane it sounded. One thing he seems to stress a lot is how inadequate his words are to describe it. Everything in our earthly language and experiences falls ridiculously short of...
  11. Pico

    Respectful question about Jesus (pbuh)

    The New Testament reveals that God exists as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By nature they are God, but in role they are different, which is why Jesus (the Son) prays to the Father. Jesus lived a human life perfectly, and prayer is what humans need to do, so that is why Jesus prayed to God so...
  12. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. What about the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus? Luke16:19-31 Both people were obviously conscious after they died. And what about the transfiguration? If the soul is not immortal, how was Jesus talking to Moses, and Elijah?
  13. Pico

    Matthew 26: 28

    Why do you think the Bible has become corrupted? A large majority of Scholars agree that the New Testament is the most accurate account of Jesus available (being written within a generation of Jesus' resurrection by eyewitnesses to the event). The New Testament is also the most supported...
  14. Pico

    Do humans become Angels when they die?

    I got dibs on judging Satan!
  15. Pico


    Being a Christian I don't delve into other religions too much, but it seems to be that Christianity as a whole is scoffed at a whole lot (I've been accused of being "closed minded" because I stand on the authority of God's word). I was just wondering what you guys think is the most scoffed at...
  16. Pico

    Do you reject original Sin?

    Genesis, chapter 3.
  17. Pico

    Do humans become Angels when they die?

    Angels are God's messengers whom he created to perform certain acts of his will during the pilgrimage of his Image-Bearers on earth. Humans are God's fallen children who bear his image. They are the ones who God himself died and Punished himself for. And all who believe will one day be made...
  18. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. Yes, you are right. It is called a Near-death experience. But what constitutes a near-death experience is that the person is actually, really dead, medically i.e. absolutely no activity in the body going on what-so ever. And they come back to life (sometimes in the...
  19. Pico

    Do you reject original Sin?

    Original sin is what brought death and suffering into the world. Little kids go to heaven when they die because they haven't willingly disobeyed God. There's a age before they become morally accountable and if they die before then they have no sin against them. As for being baptized, that will...
  20. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. Yeah, but they do. People who are completely dead. Nothing going on in their body what-so-ever. Some are even dead for 2 to 3 days and they suddenly come back to life.