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  1. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. What about people who have near-death experiences. They are clinically dead. No activity at all in their bodies and they come back to life after experiencing the after life. They describe it just like the bible describes Heaven or Hell.
  2. Pico

    Jesus: fiction or non

    That's who he claimed to be. And if he wasn't then he's a liar.
  3. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. So you say the soul can die, since it is not immortal. What do you consider death as? Do you see death as the end of our consciousness, thought, and perceiving? As if we just cease to exist? If such were true then why did Jesus say some will be banished to where there is...
  4. Pico

    Jesus: fiction or non

    There's a book written by a journalist who investigates those very two questions, and many others about Jesus. It's called the Case for Christ.
  5. Pico

    Jesus: fiction or non

    Let me ask you something. Would you willingly give up your life for something if you knew it was a lie? All of Jesus' disciples (except for John) died horrible deaths for proclaiming Jesus' resurrection, and it didn't happen all at once, they were slowly martyred (and some had suffered horrible...
  6. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. Ok, you lost me now. Where does the bible say that?
  7. Pico

    Do you reject original Sin?

    Ah, gotcha.
  8. Pico

    Do you reject original Sin?

    What does that mean? Could you elaborate on "thinking differently?"
  9. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. God specifically said not to commit murder. He also said not to consume blood, which is what i'm pretty sure the context is referring to. But to each his own. Paul said that eating meats is not bad in itself, but if one person thinks it's sin, then it is sin to them...
  10. Pico

    Jesus: fiction or non

    Ones a geneaology of Joseph, and the other's the genealogy of Mary. I dunno why it says Joseph in both cases. It must have something to do with the culture and stuff back then.
  11. Pico

    How many sparrows?

    1 Corinthians 6:29 states "for God bought you with a high price." What price was that? The precious blood of Jesus, God's only son. We are worth so much to God that He sacrificed, and punished himself, his only Son, in our place so that we can go to be with Him, instead of being sent to the fate...
  12. Pico

    If you were to die right now...

    I can't think of anywhere in the New Testament where anyone is unsure of where they are going after they die. I know where I'm going when I die. I know God. Jesus is my homie. He's the only person who can present me as faultless and sinless to God. God promises that anyone who confesses that...
  13. Pico

    Do you reject original Sin?

    If by original sin, you mean Adam and Eve's eating of the fruit God told them not to eat, then yes I believe in original Sin. I am an Christian and I know that without original sin there was no reason for Christ to die.
  14. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. One thing about interpreting scripture that causes a lot of confusion in people is to understand who the book was written to/for, who it was written by, and the context of the society and the times. As BlaznFattyz said, the context had nothign to do with blood...
  15. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. I do not know what JW's believe for I am not one. I'm a Christian, and as far as I know in the New Testament it says not to consume blood.
  16. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. You, sir, have no idea what you are talking about. The purpose of the Old Covenant was to point us to Christ. He made it obvious that we can not make it to God on our own. Thus our need for a savior. God provided us a way out, so we have to rely on him for our...
  17. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. It's like this, he laws in the Old Testament were according to the old covenant that God made with Abraham, in which God had to deal with people's wickedness. If someone wanted to get to heaven by the Old Covenant's rules they would have to obey every single one (which...
  18. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. I can personally say I've experienced the "groanings of the spirit." I've prayed for friends I felt deeply troubled about and intently wanted God to help them and I can feel in the center of my chest (behind the sternum) a force aching and pulling at it. I knew it was the...
  19. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. No not rude at all. I understand that. God is a personal God and works differently in everyone, thus i can understand that everyone's understanding of the trinity is different. I guess in a way our souls consist of God's very own Holy Spirit since we were originally...
  20. Pico

    Who Are They?

    Re: Jehovah witnesses. Well the Holy Spirit is God. I say the "Holy Spirit and God" in the same way that Jesus refers to God the Father as God. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God that lives in each of us who accept is gift of forgiveness, for God, through Jesus' sacrifice, cleans us of our...