You know that's a good question, and unfortunately i don't have much of answer for that. But to my understanding people who've hardened their hearts from God don't realize it, for they couldn't have deliberately or knowingly done it.
I wouldn't say my theology is flawed per se (if by that you...
I've experienced God's peace, love, and joy first-hand. And I saw a dramatic change in myself for the better from the inside. Something an unbeliever probably can't understand.
It doesn't make me a historian. But i do believe God when he tells us how he made the world because he was there to...
Faith is a willingness to believe.
As for why there are morally good atheists is because we all have a moral structure and conscience that god gave us, regardless of whether we think God exists or not.
Rationality by itself can't bring people to God. Many atheists rationally think God does not exist. Faith is the main thing. Faith must come first. You can rationalize the Bible all you want (as i have), but without faith there is no point.
Yes i believe so. But then again everyone is a liar...
By doing what it says: Accept God by faith, pray every chance you get, study the Bible daily. You have absolutely no idea what happens to a person when one does that. You will that what the scriptures say prove true. But you need to coem to God by faith, that's the most important thing, for God...
If we didn't not have the option to choose sin, then we wouldn't have free will and would be mere robots, and we wouldn't be able to choose God. He would merely be making us obey him.
You know i don't see why anyone would not choose to avoid eternal suffering, that confuses me too. The message and warning and the way out are there, but they choose it not. I dont' know why, and i hate that they do becasue I don't want them to be subject to such a fate.
I suppose it's that...
Well you're part right. I know God, I know his word stands true. I've tested it out and it holds up just like it says. One thing it says is that Satan will try as hard as he can to discredit God and make people not believe, which is what he did with Adam and Eve. Saying "you will surely not die...
Well, God says it is his word. The spirit has revealed to me that this is true. Plus the Bible has be subject to an enornous amount of scrutiny and still stands without contradiction (when looked at the contexts and original meaning of the words), or inaccuracy.
Plus, the Bible is teh only...
What i meant by teh Vegetables was that it is also wrong for God to force salvation on someone who doesn't want. If we truly want it, we will ask God for it and he will give it if our hearts are sincere.
I'm going to say this for the last time, I'm tired of repeating myself.
God offered us a...
You dont' have to be ok with it. I'm not OK with it. God isn't even OK with it, he hates having to do it, but he has no other choice. He must punish sin.
Because he's not going to force people to be with him. They have free will, so they have to choose him. He can't force them to.
He wants to pour out his wrath because people's defiant disobediance angers God. And they deserve the punishment for their actions. God would rather much more save...
To treat people as having no intrinsic value but as a means to an end is immoral, and is completely against God's character.
And a loving parent knows that vegetables are good for their child. So out of love for their well being they will try to get their child to eat vegetables. But if they...
Look, you are looking at things through a limited, flawed, human perspective. We can't understand God's thoughts, for he is so far beyond us.
If you really knew God you would know he is not obsessed with damnation and judging people. He is obsessed with saving people, but he does warn what...
Well God is the creator of all things. He has the right to make the rules. And God knows all things. God told us in his word that sinners must be judged for their sins, for they are responsible for their actions. Unfortunatley, everyoen sinned, and all are subject to God's judgement.
But as...
Well if God did that, then it would me that we have no intrinsic value, but he is treating us more as a means to an end.
But God loves us enough to not destroy his image, and respects us enough to honor our choice. Despite how much it hurts him.
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