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  1. S

    it's been

    I enjoyed ur posts, Vaj. I wish you luck in all your endeavours.
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    A community "under fire":

    So... persecuted minorities should just pack up and go home, Wil? I know you don't mean that... or rather, I HOPE you don't mean that... And yes, you're right -- I should've said "apathy"...
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    The Truth - Are Karma and Reincarnation REAL?

    Karma is important, but the wishy-washy, infantile approach most have to this quite sophistcated for its time concept is not the truth of the matter. Karma, "work/action"... ka... making, ma, measuring -- how you colour (your actions and opinions) the world in turn, colours you. There's no...
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    The Spiritual Path

    There ARE no atheists without God.... So they really are part of the theist paradigm!
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    A community "under fire":

    what I don't understand is.... why can I feel waves of pessimism here? "Yeah, we know"... "so what"... Or is that just me?
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    Happy Birthday I, Brian! (Fearless Leader)

    only 40? congratulations!
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    Origins of caste system and its various forms

    IMHO, Operacast, all nations have caste systems, even if they pretend to be egalitarian. Yes, liberal types of people view this as fundamentally wrong. We all should be equal. But we're not. No matter how much we pretend, the rich and the clever will look down their noses at those who...
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    Chaos Magic and Austin Spare

    lol... yeah, welcome back, Austin. Now about that loan I gave you...
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    Looking for Naturalist volunteer writer on Taoism

    bah. I thought this was about people running about in the nuddie.
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    How to suck at your religion

    yay -- I can stick wiv mine!
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    Is religious faith, a form of schizophrenia?

    thanks for posting that link, Thomas-- have read half-- will read the rest tomorrow
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    Is religious faith, a form of schizophrenia?

    No, religious faith is not the same as schizophrenia. I am told I am a schizophrenic. I was given my diagnosis at age 22. My doctors notes said I was a "hebphrenic schizophrenic" and she gave me a "poor prognosis". I am now 35. I still hear voices inside my mind that other people do not...
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    A Mosque In Your Back Yard/Front Yard? What Would You Do?

    I wouldn't mind if their was a mosque next door, so long as there was a big fence, and so long as they didn't wake me up in the morning. I would also expect not to be harrassed by men if I chose to pop to the shop in mid-thigh shorts and sandals, and I would hope they would be okay with me...
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    Rainbow Angels

    ...saw a similiar thread to this, and replied that... I've never seen angels, but I have seen people, with coloured auras, but this, for me, is a rare occurance. .... I met a witch, once, who was very deep blue, with twinkly stars. I saw the blue and the stars before I knew this person was a...
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    Types of Angels

    I have, and do occasionally see human beings wrapped in various colours -- yet I have never met a being who wasn't human...
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    Free online downloadable Books!! also has a good list (of buddhist texts)
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    Altered States - How to get there?

    checked and read the links... cheers for that, seattle. I am now, though.... perplexed. With Mu waves. As I read it... there appears to be a ... way the mind reboots itself. This is a constant, and subconscious process, a way of the brain assimilating and processing visual...
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    Plato for Dummies (I'm the Dummy)

    Forms: intellectual heavens? "...a pristine region of the physical universe located above the surface of the Earth... a "place beyond heaven"... Ideals: forms? Abstracts! And back again to the whole two truths thing, for me: conventional truth (samvrttisatyam), and ultimate truth...
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    Plato for Dummies (I'm the Dummy)

    theory of forms: skanda: (lit.) heap. ... Of course Plato would suggest that "that non-material abstract ... and not the material world of change... possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality." -- He's a frickin' philosopher. Of course he's gonna place great store in...
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    Plato for Dummies (I'm the Dummy)

    "...a bare particular of an object is the element without which the object would not exist, that is, its substance, which exists independent from its properties, even if it is physically impossible for it to lack properties entirely. It is "bare" because it is considered without its properties...