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    Drug Dependency

    According to the European drug advisory peeps, 60% of the UK adult population admits to having experimented with drugs. The figures are much the same in the rest of Europe, too. Most of those 60% do not become addicts; 20% of them try it once or twice and don't bother again, and 40% of...
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    worshiping cow

    maha surabhi!
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    San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision

    sand.... hahaha... thanks for answering my q's, peeps
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    Is Prophecy dead?

    Is there a "general perception in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, that prophecy is effectively dead - that all that required saying is said"? That does not compute, for me... All priests, and prophets, speak to God, directly... they are "called", they "listen", etc... if this is so, then...
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    San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful -- just frank... I openly admit my ignorance of Judaism...
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    San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision

    I hear that cutting off the foreskin reduces the level of sensation. I also believe that if God didn't want you to have it, he would've kept it for himself before he bothered giving it to you... Why does "God" demand it as a covenant, and, ideologically, how IS this different from cutting...
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    Celtic vs Saxon DNA

    Hahahaha... Heebies fans beware! The Huns may send you funny parcels, too...!
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    loadsa posts o'mine haven't appeared

    ...and I'm not getting any time out msgs, either... bah... please fix this, Brian!
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    San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision

    what cut any of it off? What purpose does it serve?
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    to quote Saltmeister.... "Rabbinic Judaism from the very start was an intellectual tradition because it was based on the tradition of the Pharisees and the Pharisees were the intellectuals of Judaism". --I have to say, that's rubbish. Early Judaism smells like a tribal, animal-sacrificing...
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    Karma ~ The Penetrative Explanation

    kama (lust), and karma (making and measuring), are different "things". There is no end to karma. The only end to karma is death. And, even then, that's not always the end. Karma is not a "good" or a "bad" thing, karma is not a "thing", a something that ends, karma the cause of existence, how...
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    Derren Brown....

    nobody teaches you critical thinking skills...
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    San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision

    well... we have all banned FGM (female genital mutilation), so, why not ban circumcision, too? You can't have one rule for one and another for yourself. That's not how it works. If we agree it's wrong to cut off little girls clitorises and sew up their labia, why is it okay to cut off part of...
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    7 Steps to Health...

    seven steps to poverty and social isolation....!!! "Alkalinize the body" - No need. The body does this all by itself... "Kills disease causing microbes" - Allicin - from garlic, does kill some microbes. "Detox, help your liver" - there is no scientific evidence to support the detox...
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    A question

    I agree with you -- a person, just born, only seeing what is there, would not believe in a divine creator. They cannot conceptualise such unless such concepts are presented to them. And yet... humans do not only see, or hear. They also feel, they learn, they develop traits... they...
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    Eating dead fetus in China

    ..."even the Chinese could not eat Chinese 30 days in a row"... rofl
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    Where do all the teaspoons go?

    ... I blame the secret bagheads... Top tip: plastic ones don't vanish... ; ) .....
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    Are we evolving to become less spiritual?

    you're right: "In ...[your]... short lifetime ...[certain] spiritual views... have become less 'fashionable' of late"... ...but that doesn't mean Man has given up on God. I don't believe we are evolving to become less spiritual. I think we're evolving to become more... sophisticated, in...
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    would you still see him or what would you do

    I wasn't trying to mock you, and apologise if I offended you. I think, to me, based on what you say, you evidently have a problem around buying/consuming, and you're so offended by what the therapist has said because he has touched a raw nerve. A good therapist isn't a yes-man. He'd be a...