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  1. R

    neverending group stream of consciousness

    ...those cookies and tea. Without them you will surely (well lets just say pass on;))...
  2. R

    The Nephilim Race

    How would it be scary?
  3. R

    Wand Question

    The incantations thats what I call them: wand incantations. Thats what I always used to call them. Get it now?:D Sorry I didn't elaborate on that, I was in a hurry.
  4. R

    Wand Question

    Oh, well thats just what I call them.;) lol PJ
  5. R

    Wand Question

    Thanks for the links! PS-an wand incantation is something you say before casting a spell i.e. "abra cadabra" PJ
  6. R

    Wand Question

    Anyone know some good wand incantations, besides kiddie stuff? Can someone provide me with links to different websites that contain spell books and incantations? PJ
  7. R

    Greetings !

    Hi Tex and Arizona, Hope you enjoy it here! Glad you like the forums. And congrats on your publication:D! PJ
  8. R

    The Nephilim Race

    Didn't some archeologists find remains of a neanderthal with a human child in it? I saw that once in a history movie we were watching in world history class. And as for making up stories about them being giants I would like to state that it is in the Bible in which the Nephilim were described as...
  9. R

    neverending group stream of consciousness

    along with a side of quadrouple-chocolate-chip-cookies and a spo' o' tea...:D
  10. R

    Animated Avatars

    I keep searching for some GOOD animated avatars, but I can't find any that I like. I need something really colorful and alchemic like. Needs to match my custom user title. Can anyone help me out? PJ
  11. R

    this is really GROSS!

    LOL! Same here;)
  12. R

    Does time exist? Can we travel it?

    Yah, you're right! You make no sense! Hehe:D
  13. R

    this is really GROSS!

    Posable thumbs and the eyelid bending things always send shivers down my spine. It kreeps the crud out of me!! I hate it when people do those things!! *shiver, shiver* PJ
  14. R

    How Many Days Til Christmas?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:D :D :D :D :D
  15. R

    Does time exist? Can we travel it?

    Interesting. Did that come from the Bible or did you come up with that? Bible right? Tell me, it had to of.:D PJ
  16. R

    alchemy - the process of transformation

    Well, he is probably an alchemist with just the fact that he transmuted a base metal into gold. However, he could be speaking in metaphor. Alchemy is what created chemistry. So if he is known as a chemist then he is an alchemist. In fact we are all alchemists in our own way. PJ
  17. R

    Does time exist? Can we travel it?

    True, very true. But remember, just because we created it isn't the only reason why it exists. What we created for time are subtitutes to understand it. But you can't really have a substitute without having the real one, right?:) PJ
  18. R

    Does time exist? Can we travel it?

    Oh! Oh! Oh! I just love to talk about time!!! I had an argument once with a fellow student on wether or not time exists. I think it does. He thinks it doesn't. So does time really exist? Yes. Even God says it in the Bible. "1000 days on earth is a day in my courts." Ooooooooooooh...
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    You're very welcome, sarah!:) PJ
  20. R

    Circumcision: who invented it?

    Actually, sometimes men don't have a choice. Their parents usually decide for them to be circumcised in their infancy. Kind of a common tradition, if you will.:) PJ