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  1. S

    Christian Mysticism

    I like the post where we as Christians become better Christians learning from Buddhist, Muslims ect. It keeps us from loving ourselves as Christians and forgetting about God.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Quahom1, I agree a Christian will make a Muslim a better Muslim, a Hindu a better Hindu, and a Buddhist a better Buddhist. Going to Church and cheating, getting by, and other shading dealings the other 6 days does not make a Christian.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Thomas. To not listen to the spirit sounds like a candidate to be a suicide bomber who listens and follows orders from an external authority.
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    Christian Mysticism

    External authority to me means for example a pastor who tells his congregation that God wants them to go to war. The Spirit with in or external as you said very well is the authority one must listen to.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Thomas you never talk about the Mystery except through intellectual exercise. You are into the words and symbols, but not the experience they are pointing to.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Quahom1, You said it very well.
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    Christian Mysticism

    "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou has sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be...
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    Can The Absolute God Be Sad?

    God is absolute so He is everywhere: therefore He is inside us and outside so he experiences sadness through us, when we are sad so I would say yes.
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    Christian Mysticism

    As a Christian I feel what is needed is not submission to an external authority, a flawless book, or a rigid church that divides and eliminates, but an inward realization of God that unites. We need to test our realization with reason, witness it at work and perceive the unity of everything in...
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    Christian Mysticism

    Yes, it is. Namaskar! May we all recognize and express the joy of the infant, infinite.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Christ taught us that God is love, and we saw a sample of it in his compassion and suffering for the mediocre sinners in this world. Through Christ a new concept of God emerged because prior to him most people feared God. This teaching of love is more demanding and more important than his other...
  12. S

    Do you agree with this statement..?

    A hammer can be used to make a chair, which is greater than the hammer, but man is making it not the hammer. Can we expect to see the one who created all the spectacular things in the universe with human eyes, when we cannot even look directly at the sun? We surely would burn if the larger stars...
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    What Book Have You Read Recently?

    "Evolution of Consciousness" by John Kuykendall is appealing in particular because it explains the Christian mysteries so everyone can understand them. The book evolves in stages as the reader is taken on a transforming journey through the layers of the mind, the parts of the mind and...
  14. S

    Do you agree with this statement..?

    To design a machine is an intellectual activity that takes intelligence more than that machine, and yes I believe we can with the help of intelligent machines design an ultraintelligent machine, which would give us even better machines. The untra intelligent machines made with man and...
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    Heart Thinking & the Consciousness Soul

    The fullness of life cannot be measured by things that happen only on the physical plane or to the body, we must also consider the more abundant vitality gained from spiritual living on a level that defies measurement and observation. When one feels pure consciousness flowing through him like a...
  16. S

    Do you agree with this statement..?

    People can live by reason, and I hope they are happy. Humanism has been very kind to the world. Others live by spirit and that is good too. Spirituality has been kind also. How reasonable is it to conclude that man's nuclear reactors need intelligent design, but the cosmic solar reactors...
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    Interfaith and the Transcendent unity of Religions

    It is a view of unity and harmony that softens the harsh cutting edge of an isolated existence without love. The hostilities we might feel at this moment can be quickly dispelled, if we assist the natural processes that serve the function of reunification. The absence of unity and love in our...
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    True Interfaith Dialogue

    I agree with the above quote. I will try to say the same thing in a different way. The microcosm cannot grasp the macrocosm because it is too vast. The image that our unit minds can grasp is another unit being who serves as a model for spiritual life. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and...
  19. S

    What is a Soul?

    I feel the intellect can give us a glimpse of the spiritual life inside ourselves, help us resist the exterior influences that blind us with passion and help us access thoughts about God that are totally new, unexpected and beyond our own capacity. The effect of these inspirations is to enable...
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    Interfaith and the Transcendent unity of Religions

    I agree with divinisation. In Christianity it is love that blots out sin and knows no fear so there is nothing else a man can do that is as beneficial as loving everything and everyone. When this happens, it is no longer we who love, but Christ that loves through us, it is no longer our bodies...