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  1. S

    Resurrection Popular Theme?

    I feel we must imagine the ressurection as a spiritual perception. When we resurrect ourselves we will understand it because authenticity of the spiritual experience can appear in the inner eye or consciousness. We need courage to resurrect and have a spiritual experience and not just repeat...
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    The Soul

    I feel science and philosophy and other intellectual endeavors are very important for Christians. A person who can think with depth and psychological insight has wisdom and can be a guide to change fear to love in this world. We see many right wing Christians changing love to fear to manipulate...
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    The Soul

    God is not separate from anything; He is the Life of our life, the Reality within our own reality and the Soul within our being. Our union with God can be witnessed in our minds starting with the replication of the union between our soul and the collective pure consciousness. This is the...
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    I agree that this unified field is byond our comprehension. This unity of consciousness is not a new concept some call it God as you mentioned, but we must open up to it to make it effective so it can change our lives, making us aware that our bodies are in harmony with God, and His power is...
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    This is a great post. It brings us out of dualism to God's all pervading family in one pure consciousness. The symbols are great. Thanks again.
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    Nice posts. Thank you for taking my mind to deep thought. The Trinity is trying to present man’s spirit with an intuitive understanding that the mysteries of faith can be brought into existence and appreciated. These mysteries are given to us to be mastered, and they seek understanding, not...
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    You read that or someone told you. Can you feel Christ? Can you feel the way inside your consciousness or are you just doing what you are told. Christ is love and he is guiding us with love to the Father. You fear the Lord, the love, the way? People can say the words, but feeling the love, the...
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    What is the proof of pie in the sky philosophy? Experience............. Experience the state above the mind, above the arguement and if not experienced don't believe it. The arguement is only to quiet the mind, answer pseudo questions, the direct experience is all that matters. Enjoy........
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    Nobody is denying Christ. Christ is not a plastic statue that glows in the dark. He is bigger than you can imagine so we should not put Our Lord and Savior into a mold that is small and narrow.
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    Kenod and Quahom you are two saying the same thing. You approach the unity of everything from different angles, but both of you express it eloquently. Here is another attempt. The Holy Trinity is; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and is the Christian symbol for God from which the universe...
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    The physical, mental and spiritual are in consciousness so are consciousness, when they are transparent we see clearly the unity of one ocean of pure consciousness. When not transparent we see images separate and not in unity. To do this we must slow down the destructive pace of modern life so...
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    I like what you wrote it triggered my reply and my reply would not make sense without your explanations. Thanks for the support, it helps to melt the ice.
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    I feel there is one ocean of pure consciousness so everything in that ocean is and has consciousness. Spirit, super consciusness, pure consciousness, God the Father are the ocean or are aware of it 100%. The ice bergs in the ocean are creation, our bodies and minds are pure consciousness also...
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    We are expanding on the Trinity to expand our minds not make converts or unbelievers. I like to reduce everything to one, but I have 10 fingers in this world of duality so it is a little more difficult to reduce them to one finger, but one body works.
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    From Unity comes Duality, God created everything so everything came from God and since there is only one God then there is unity in God. From Duality comes Trinity, living in duality we want to know God and his unity, but can't express it so we have the Trinity as a symbol to try to understand...
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    God and the Trinity are beyond the mind so rationally we can only point to it and try to describe it. I think our descriptions of the Trinity are for our minds to answer questions so they will relax and let us have a spiritual experience. In a composition we can say that the Father is the...
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    Toward a universal mysticism?

    Mysticism parts the veil covering our minds so we can step of duality to unity. Life gives us so many clues to this experience. A spiritual experience that gives meaning to life without rejecting anything else. Word are only the sign pointing to it, a menu, but who wants to read about...
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    What is "Tantra"?

    Tantra has Shiva as the diety. It utilizes everything to raise one's consciousness, it is not just about sex.
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    The Trinity of Christianity

    I also think the Christian symbol of the Trinity is used to bring us above reason to a nonlinear experience. It serves as an exit point from the physical world of parts to the interrelated multidimensional world of consciousness. It is not possible to govern at the same time all the diverse...
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    Drugs and spirituality

    Thank you for the welcome. The food we eat, our bodies and the world around us is made of chemicals and I think they can be a bridge to the spiritual, but once that bridge is crossed there is no need to cross it again and again. It means it is time to go on pass the bridge with appreciation...