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  1. Yay2Interfaith

    What Unity Teaches

    how very interesting. I was not aware of this faith.
  2. Yay2Interfaith

    Newbie hello
  3. Yay2Interfaith

    Newbie hello

    yes PNG format. I know a good designer who could help you transform them. he's on fiverr - costs less than $25 or so.
  4. Yay2Interfaith

    Newbie hello

    just figured out how to change my profile pic - hope you like.
  5. Yay2Interfaith

    Newbie hello

    Thanks for the welcome!
  6. Yay2Interfaith

    Newbie hello

    glad to find this forum. Active in CA with interfaith activities related to food and clothing giveaways. Truth!