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  1. M

    The real Krist Mass Story

    You know, without the framework in which this is based, it makes like zero sense. The only thing I can comment on is the J and Y thing. There is no letter J in the Hebrew alphabet, as far as I know, and the reason that J and Y are interchangeable is because somewhere along the line, a German...
  2. M

    Your spiritual development

    I agree more with Peck's assesment, generally. Maybe that's because Fowler's is a little more complicated, or it's more complicated to read than Peck's. Fowler seems to take more social implications into account as well, most of which I have little experience with, but his stages seem a little...
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    Let's Discuss

    Well, I vaguely remember doing some of that, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter now, after 4 pages.
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    Let's Discuss

    Hmm, this may be a little late, but what makes you think that I'm not Christian? Is it the Brain?
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    Let's Discuss

    Free will is the notion that we can do whatever we choose to do and are not bound by a predetermined path. That's the only way of understanding it, I think. I'm not sure about the other question.
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    Pagan Christmas ritual pressed on young kids

    Well, seeing as how Christmas has its roots in pagan rituals, I don't see much of a problem. It's not like they're forcing people to go and renounce Christianity.
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    I mean, I wish there was any kind of vampire here and not just people who have researched it. I'm not saying it would clear everything up, but it would be interesting to see which interpretation they ascribe to and what they have to say about the others. Also, I don't think Greer was saying...
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    are jesus and god equal?

    What are the difference between the 3 "persons" anyway? How do you determine if the Spirit is speaking, or if it's the Father or the Son (aside from references to incarnation from the Son).
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    A really good book on the subject, that was informative to me anyway, is The Science of Vampires by Katherine Ramsland. She explaines the clinical, psychological, folklore aspects and all that and speculates on how it could be possible in the future to be a vampire. There's also a nice section...
  10. M

    Names of the Devil

    Devil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There's a big list there. I prefer Samael, Heylel, the Dickens, and Belial the most. Possibly the Erlkoenig, but he's supposedly the Elf King and not a devil.
  11. M


    Francis, there are such things as Satanists in the same way that there are such things as Christians. Samantha, vampirism is not a religion so much as it is a set of practices, I think. If you're an athiest though, I think you'll have a hard time with Wicca and theistic Satanism, and I'm not...
  12. M

    The Necronomicon: Fact or Fiction?

    Hmm, it's not exactly nihilistic actually. It's cosmicism, where humanity is simply just another insignificant race randomly placed somewhere in the vast cosmos. But yeah, he is great. I'm not sure if I posted in this thread yet, but Michael Szul has an interesting opinion on the reality of the...
  13. M


    Ok geez, no need to get hostile. I have done as much research as my access to sources will allow. I was not criticizing so much the -isms, as I was commenting on the -ists...or I didn't mean to sound like I was. The thing is, in some cases Luciferianism and Satanism seem to be labels that people...
  14. M

    if hell was real

    I resent that, slightly. Shadowman knows I'm not being rude to him, but some of his questions are hard to answer by the nature of their formulation. Might as well ask what does purple smell like in winter. Shadowman, I believe hell is supposedly brimstone, liquid fire, and gnashing of teeth...
  15. M

    meaning of sin?

    How could man have created something that God did not? It doesn't make sense to me that man could have single handedly created evil by eating a fruit. Does it say this anywhere in the Bible? From what I understand, God created evil and he stays in thick darkness, etc. What about that?
  16. M

    if hell was real

    You know a lot of your questions don't really mean anything. I mean, they're borderline nonsensical. Presumably our age would not be altered in any way after death, if age even exists.
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    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    What have people been trying to change Christianity from? The Nicene Creed?
  18. M

    Creatio ex nihilo

    Oh ok, I thought he wanted some input or something. Do some people think that the universe is a quantifiable part of God though? I've never heard of that before. I think the mental projection framework is the best especially in this respect, where the universe is a creation of God within God but...
  19. M

    The proplem with God (Hell and free will)

    A few premises for these arguments seem flawed. For instance, a benevolent being is opposed to all evil, right? Well, isn't taking away free will to intervene and remove the perceived evil in itself an evil act? There is the reason He doesn't act immediately right there; if He intervened there...
  20. M

    Creatio ex nihilo

    What? Slower this time, and just the key points/questions.