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  1. W

    Ever had a Guru ?

    I had a garden once, before it froze. I just spit out a seed.
  2. W

    Christians! Do you believe Mohammed's prophethood?

    God is free, for the giving.
  3. W

    Was Jesus a Gnostic ?

    But I love looking into the sky. :rolleyes: Above is below me. But take noting literally.
  4. W

    Good Friday

    Was nothing, he creates himself new each moment, eat of that, and ship out the past.
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    Good Friday

    Jesus lost his name, like an old pair of socks, and is picked up as an apple seed, which becomes after someone plants it, then he becomes a nice round juicy apple, round and red in the sun. Tastes better than one of them flourless hosts anytime, or day, or night. And I dehydrate apples, so any...
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    What I don't like about God !

    if you work nights, ja?
  7. W

    Was Jesus a Gnostic ?

    Gnostic! Gazundheit!
  8. W

    What I don't like about God !

    Oh, look there, as here, God is, where I'm not! Which I love by, in, over and under the way.
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    Where is Buddhism going?

    You are what you eat, drink, smoke, chew, and pick at, or curse.
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    50 days of personal growth via 'Counting the Omer'

    I use sticky notes, then stick em up on the window, for words which grab my fancy, um as, and use old cans to make wind sculpture, which hang in trees. Where has Jesus gone to?
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    God's Plan

    Let there be light! And there is, already, it's day, and the desire was already met, a long, long time ago, around 7 am.
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    God's Plan

    Ah... yes, no, maybe, and I don't know. Vote now! And get every one on all! Hands up, leaves out... same same.
  13. W

    Good Friday

    Jesus is an apple seed, from which many trees can grow. And if you plant him in your heart, the love will overflow.
  14. W

    Good Friday

    Start a garden, or make one in church, or a church in a garden, where it will grow. Um, next lesson is on bugs, in church. I see the light! And feel it! Yes! Right! Now! Water! Me!
  15. W

    Was Jesus a Gnostic ?

    He is us, by a lot less opposite. I am just amazed by his constancy everywhere, like a broom that whisks off a dusty stair, or a hand that reached out to build a chair. One sits is full amazement without a word left to fill the cup, I am emptied out, as He is filling up.
  16. W

    Where is Buddhism going?

    Here, there, everywhere a stair. Up from down calamity, in from that of care.
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    Let's clear the air...

    Of being free when losing me above the ground, a cloudy tree.
  18. W

    Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Muha

    Re: Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Dear Jesus, Where are you now Sir? My sins lie beneath me like broken chains. What choice that released me with no time remains. You know all, as all, in all, but don't tell of finer things that come, as...
  19. W

    Was Jesus a Gnostic ?

    Jesus wasn't, isn't superman. More grass-like, universally available, and basically elemental. Even the rocks can worship! On Sunny days.
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    Let's clear the air...

    2010, 2011, 2012...