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  1. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Ah, no. And who was it that paid Judas to deliver the whereabouts of Jesus for the Romans? And this is a lesson why authority cannot be trusted - Matt. 26 3,4 Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, unto of the palace of the high priest Caiaphas...
  2. W

    on non-belief

    Tea anyone? It's hot. It's fresh. It's golden.
  3. W


    I got, somethin' with heels wearin' out. And the dust on the back roads is nasty right now, so I wouldn't want to get any new pair dirty, I'ts against my religion, to eventually walk bare footed.
  4. W

    Ordinance by Quran

    Sweet. I love it.
  5. W

    on non-belief

    I wasn't tryin' ta be holy. Or at least it weren't my fault to grow. Oops, a hair just fell out I think, hope the babes don't see. In the beginning was the beard! Or beards. And, the face was void and without form, so God put a beard on it. Not a ring on it, yet anyway.
  6. W

    The End of Abraham

    Blue sky, blue sky... drink me up you to be on high.
  7. W

    Looking into Buddhism?

    Have you guys seen my bible verse over hear? Here?
  8. W

    One Way: the reason why Christian ecumenicalism is impossible

    I know I posted a bible verse in here somewhere.
  9. W

    on non-belief

    Doz girls definitely wood not lemme, I nose it!
  10. W

    on non-belief

    It gonna be a sunny day. A sunny daze... Hip! Going out to put my starter plants in the greenhouse, from which I might be making an addition. What that 'chop wood carry water' ting mean?
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    on non-belief

    Well, cuz I got one, and the women adore it. I allow them to decide if I wears it or not. I hope this summer in the heat style succumbs to heat, like a religious thing, them girls. Look but don't touch. What am I an animal?! Oh yeah... arf.
  12. W

    Why do Christians use the cross?

    I like it, it so basic, but I really like the flowered wreath. It's mine! Oops, sorry.
  13. W

    on non-belief

    Sorry to get in the way hear, but anybody have any theory on beards? Like beards as sacred or holy, to where I mean. Then why no pope with One?
  14. W

    Why do Christians use the cross?

    I love the solar/lunar aspect to the piece, wheel-like, nature oriented harvest cycle, basic early symbol for God. Can you imagine the time? They had to use stone tools back them. Wow.;)
  15. W

    Why do Christians use the cross?

    That symbol is awesome! I have been working on ones very much like that recently. This morning, before I got up had an image of leaf shapes leaving a box on the wall, wooden, leaf cutouts sanded and designed hanging on threads. Cool! I gotta go sketch this one out. Thanks. :D
  16. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Regarding a question from a lawyer, a Pharisee, after Jesus had put the Sadducees to silence. 22:37, Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (KJV) 39 And the second is like it, Thou shall love thy neighbor as...
  17. W

    One Way: the reason why Christian ecumenicalism is impossible

    Or, The father and I, are, just being.
  18. W


    My beard itches. But I know better than scratch it.
  19. W

    One Way: the reason why Christian ecumenicalism is impossible

    I and the father are One. Take away the two you get One.