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  1. W

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    Doctrine is dictatorship.
  2. W


    The walk today came with a brutal cold north wind, actually kicking up clouds of dust that made me stop, with the 3 dogs, look down and hold my breath. I have this thing about breathing junk I can see in the air. Then one of the dogs snapped off his collar, luckily I got it put back on, without...
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    Does God Talk to You ?

    Sweet! That was what I was looking for. thanks!
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    Does God Talk to You ?

    Don't get me started. Today, placed a small screen insert into the bottom of a suet cake bird feeder hoping to save some small pieces from falling to the ground and being wasted. The feeder is right outside the kitchen window. Later, was drinking some water at the kitchen sink, and watched as...
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    Does God Talk to You ?

    Had this thought today of someone in years past that I had been rude to. Made an unscheduled stop in a store today, walked to the garden section, and there I saw the person I felt sad over. I walked up, tapped her on the shoulder. And almost felt like crying. She had such a big warm smile on...
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    did darwin kill god?

    Arf arf arf, woof woofels woof woof?
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    Anger is one form of shempa that I use less seriously now a days. So much of it is wasted energy, or added bad karma. So, in this life, one of my major goals, for today, for right now is to drop the anger, and that first comes with choosing silence over words, over any words. Oh... mmm... I...
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    Hi, my name is Will be, and I, am a walkaholic. "Hic!"... walking does that.
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    The Holy Name of God

    a, e, i, o, u, m.
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    Santa Claus exists?

    He ate well too, or too well. But was he a vegetarian? Carrots, carrots, please carrots!!! Lucky deers. Muncho buncho puncho... Polly wanna a qwacker? Just say "jes, Polly want a ___."
  11. W

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    Jesus never went round and round with the question. What was it? He'll tell me. 1001, 1002, 1003... Only 1006 left to go. 1004, 1005, 1006... no round and round here, very linear, up/down, back/forth, in/out, God/devil. See? Told ya. I mean, told Me. oops, just shrink it... me. that...
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    Greetings All

    but, i can still see, it
  13. W

    "Smorgasbord" Religion, Being of a Faith, and the Personal Journey

    no past life regresses future life in dresses, I mean progresses... buddhists to skim or not to skim-ism... that ain't a question! It's poor english, pooooorrr, me-isms.
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    Greetings All

    Hi Tom, eventually, I get to listen more to silence, or keep silent around others' talking, but writing is ok, to a point. It's as if I listen to things that have never had a voice before, in me, to give. We are coming into a time where a great listening skill will be needed in the world. We are...
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    Santa Claus exists?

    "hic!" "up?"
  16. W

    "Smorgasbord" Religion, Being of a Faith, and the Personal Journey

    "Dang I wish I could read!" Past life regression. Future live progression.
  17. W

    Where is Buddhism going?

    As any -ism goes, it comes from within, and goes out, as in, to all other sentient beings. I am, the peace maker. This is any Will be-ism.
  18. W

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    First man blamed the woman, then woman blamed the snake, for the duality to come into being through the knowledge of good and evil. Before that, everything was good, that could be consumed to extend the illusion of separateness. Swallow that?
  19. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Listening is nonlinear, more circular. Wait a minute, scratch that. Scratching the itch is a linear relationship, rather than experiencing the itch we desire to make it worse. So, don't scratch, just be. If one listens, that is All.
  20. W

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    Blame.... flaming.