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  1. J

    What did you do to get to heaven?

    If, when dead, you stand before your creator and he asks "why should i allow you into my kingdom?" what would you say?
  2. J

    know the truth?

    For me there is no section. Nor is this my religion. If you want to see my religious practice, you will find it in caring for others. And christ is not man the way we are man. In turn, Logos is not word the way language is word.
  3. J

    Do you have a soul?

    twenty thirty seven, that is 2037. 3 times i say woe to the coast lands.
  4. J

    Do you have a soul?

    The words make you feel preached to. The thoughts make you feel preached to. The emotions they give make you feel preached to. I......... do not make you feel preached to. You would take my words and call them preaching, what would you say has influenced you in your life? Are those things not...
  5. J

    Do you have a soul?

    not me brother, he that seeks to save his life in this world will lose it. He that gives his life will gain life eternaly. Furthermore if Christ died once for all sins, why would you continue to nail him to the cross. You have been chosen friend. The lord commanded his servant to put a mark of...
  6. J

    Do you have a soul?

    Christianity is not as it is portrayed. It is much differant than the worlds ideas. These christians today are apostate. They have fallen asleep. Please forgive them, for they gnow not what they do. May grace abound, may brother love brother, may father bind himself to son and mother to...
  7. J

    Do you have a soul?

    A perfect representation of ourselves remains in the all. We have a dorment being inside the father where there is no deficit. We, however, remain mostly blind to this our entire lives, stumbling about blindly. When by grace we recieve the resurection to a new life, we become somewhat aware of...
  8. J

    Do you have a soul?

    The number of the beast is 666 it is a number of man. Look up 666 in genetics research you will see it is indeed a number of man, and maybe you wont place your faith in genetics. Long life is possible, no sickness is possible, unending resources do surround us. But if fassioned by our own hands...
  9. J

    know the truth?

    Well the word did come to be a block of stumbling for many. For those who seek, a light of illumination. For those who oppose, a rod of discipline. For those that seek shelter, a strong tower. For those that are now first to be last and those that are last to be first. For those that are chosen...
  10. J

    know the truth?

    So to you i mean words formed with letters only. You do not know, i guess, what i believe the word is. Not only could you never express yourself without the word, animals could not either. Animals have the other 3 types of word at some level and many even have a form of spoken word, but most...
  11. J

    know the truth?

    then for you there are many truths, my question is, how can any one of those be true if they are not all the same? Many truths is an ironic statement. If truth is one thing for me but many differant things for many differant people, i would say that rather than being truths they are whims. Now...
  12. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    I have been intrigued in my life by life itself and i have found it to be at times a mystery. Albert, as he was then called, made a path out of unveiling the mysterious. Is space or reality as big of a mystery to humans now as it was before Albert? I feel that the one that was called Albert...
  13. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    I will be perplexed for days by your quote. How could all paths lead to one Truth? I feel that all paths make a lay-over in the same location at the same time, but im not sure that all beings will be staying in that state. The perplexing part is i sorta feel like those that dont keep that estate...
  14. J

    know the truth?

    Well, not that this is your case at all, if there is not a barometer of some sort inside of oneself that points or pulls in a certain direction, understanding what truth is can be difficult. Truth is pure love manifested in righteous action. The action is only known to be righteous by the fruit...
  15. J

    know the truth?

    Yes we are constrained by the limitations of spoken language. What is say without do? Is India free from British control if Gandhi only said? Are there billions of supposed christians, if the one called Jesus only said? Does the wall in Germany come down if all that Reagan did was say...
  16. J

    know the truth?

    You have expressed yourself brilliantly with word, but im sure you experiance this thought with a language unspoken as well.
  17. J

    know the truth?

    Well maybe we kinda agree. Words in the spoken since as we exist can indeed make limitations. Emotions are indeed at many times beyond verbal expression. However, when we contemplate, would we be able at any time to grasp the meaning of our various emotional states without the word. Could we...
  18. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    You gnow a lot more than you would say Taijasi, however, on the subject of many paths i have to disagree. You gnow the source of our strength, it is from within, but it is a strength born from the knowledge of how helpless we are without being "educated". I guess we disagree on crutches as well...
  19. J

    know the truth?

    What is the truth? Is that knowledge obtainable? Is the knowing of the truth obtainable? Does knowledge exist without the one who knows? If knowledge existed before the one who knows, then what is this knowledge and who knows it? So which came first? The knowledge? Or the one who knows...
  20. J

    know the truth?

    Can one know the truth?