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  1. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    Thank you Taijasi for your candor, i do see how i can improve. I truly do appreciate criticism, it allows me to reflect on myself. Sometimes my emotions get a bit crazy and i become guilty of the very thing i loath. Which to me proves the very thing i defend. I believe if, instead of...
  2. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    Know think do faith hope love spirit soul body
  3. J

    The End of Abraham

    Whatever you may think of me, may it be true in your world, if "i am" foolishness to you then may it be so. If "i am" a laughing stock for you then may it be so. If " i am " a stone on which you stub your toe then may it be stubbed. Just know friend, " i am".
  4. J

    Do you have a soul?

    Yes all that are in there life of sin are dead dead dead. For yet while i was dead in sin he came to me and gave me life. NOW i live. BEFORE i was dead. The Kingdom is here.
  5. J

    Do you have a soul?

    Let the dead bury the dead. What do you think Jesus meant when he told the one whom wanted to follow him after he buried his loved one. You have to recieve the resurection now not later.
  6. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    Ok you are correct, i believe you may have come up with a close impression of me and my personality, with all my baggage and hang ups. Im sure it is not the first time ive been considered a bull in a china shop, and i probably dont hold a true value for crutches, nor do i study a thesaurus. I...
  7. J

    Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

    I gnew it you started this thread because you had alot of stuff you wanted people to read. Look pal i love you with out big words or mystic crap. Telepathy, well no duh. Have you ever listened as one cow says hello to another cow? Or how an elephant can comunicate over great distances unheard by...
  8. J

    The End of Abraham

    After a few days it is now obvious to me that this ia a bunk site at which people would rather sound smart than take part in any meaningfull dialogue. The knowledge and heart for truth i have is waisted on this group.
  9. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    I tryed to read this post but it seems to much like a fight. Maybe after judgment when many are cast into outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth. (THAT PLACE IS THIS EARTH.) Maybe there you guys can continue your fight, over and over and over and over and over and......etc. Look...
  10. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    I tryed to read this post but it seems to much like a fight. Maybe after judgment when many are cast into outer darkness where there is gnashing of teeth. (THAT PLACE IS THIS EARTH.) Maybe there you guys can continue your fight, over and over and over and over and over and......etc. Look...
  11. J

    Do you have a soul?

    those of us who are children of the light would never need to be convinced of the existance of the soul. It possesses us we can not seperate our mind and soul. But we have been aware of it either from sunday school years or a personal relationship with the lord. Children of this world, (and...
  12. J

    Do you have a soul?

    alot of us seem to be in the 2030 to 2040 range the reason why is because, well, we know. Woe to the coast lands as it is written. Maybe this has all happened over and over and over and over and........... and every time people get all crazy and selfish, they fight, kill, seek, steal, worry, and...
  13. J

    Do you have a soul?

    this is the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth ( outer darkness ) whenever we dont make it we are cast out into outer darkness, maybe over and over again, until we get it right. So one existance ends and then seemlessly another begins. I would say you did die, I would say it is very...
  14. J

    Modern Gnosticism

    hey here is some gnosis for ya, that crash at Roswell decades ago, it was a deep space satellite that returned to earth at its programmed time. It was a probe sent out deep into space by a lost civilization of beings that inhabited the Earth. Yeh that is right people we are not even close to the...
  15. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    Look why did Christ need to redeem us? If he came from the Father in perfection and lived in perfection within the flesh, from where did we come? If our purpose in this life is to become like God through adherance. Then why do we have a less than perfect vessel. Jesus lived perfectly why dont...
  16. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    and if you do have knowledge why not strive for the greatest of the three which is love. See the Father is love if we strive for love we come full circle in our knowledge. From love to love. Pretty scientific in regards to singularity.
  17. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    Christ followers gained faith, hope, and love, from knowledge of the Father given to them by the Son. Faith is first but we know of the three not the greatest, the greatest of these is love. Knowledge of the Father is the foundation that they are built on. If you have no knowledge what are you...
  18. J

    Faith and Gnosis, Toe to Toe

    It is nice to read from someone a bit of Gnosis or gnosis. Im with you of course Jesus gave secret info, of course he was radical in many of his claims, they did not crucify him because he said "what would Jesus do". They surely did not crucify him because of how much love he gave. The people he...
  19. J

    a perspective on 2012

    if you only understood how exactly to much love can end you or exactly what love is. Maybe you do but that is not likely. I dont wish to argue . I just thought it very interesting that you percieve somehow that to much love can kill you. Id say consume instead. No flesh can look upon the father...