Conversation, discussion, debate.
Whimsical, purposeful, combative.
Discover, decide, deny.
Befriend, direct, defeat.
Wonderer, leader, warrior.
What does communication reveal about the communicator?
Agreed. Perhaps it's an oversimplified interpretation of said book? I mean, Jesus' parable of the beggar and the rich man is just that--a parable, which is symbolic. Revelation is also obviously metaphorical. Just thinking out loud.
Just throwing this thought out there if anyone is interested in responding: It seems to me a life after death that is either hell or heaven and no other alternative is contrary to what I believe the moral character of God must be.
So there's an iPhone app called Tapatalk, which lets you post to your favorite forum sites using the app. Some sites the app lets you post to:
• Christianity Today
• Theology Online
• Catholic Answers
• Muslim Matters
• Jewish Life
And many others. I was unable to find this site, however. Would...
Hi. I'm new here.
I wonder what people of different faiths think about the idea of using the Socratic Method to determine the likelihood that what their religion teaches is true.
For anyone unfamiliar, a description of the method is here:
Hi. New here. It might help to also consider verse 11.
Matthew 10:9-11 "Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. Whatever town or village you enter, search there for...
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