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  1. H

    Christianity - what do you really think about it?

    It's just a different translation of the same name. Messianic Jews call him by the hebrew form of his name, Yeshua.
  2. H

    Why all the fascination with vibration?

    This word is often bandied about by new ager believers...everything from the concept of "good vibrations" to "raising your vibration" by meditation or some other means, to the concept of the afterlife being at a higher vibrational level than the world of the living. It strikes me as a weasel...
  3. H

    Birth of the Baha'u'llah

    Definitely some tap-dancing going on here. How hard is it to answer a question with so many opportunities?
  4. H

    Where is the Satainist section?

    Anton LaVey should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Rolling Stone did an article looking into a lot of claims made in his biography and most of them were found to be false. He was born Howard Stanton Levey for one.
  5. H


    Not true at all, it's just used to keep accurate time for a system clock, much like a watch.
  6. H

    Ouiji Boards?

    How nice that a thread about Ouija became a sunday school lesson. :P
  7. H

    "Ghost" Writing....

    The show is staged for the audience's entertainment much like anything else on television. Their 'psychic' does research beforehand and then when the cameras are on, pretends the things he learned came to him through psychic intuition.
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    I'm not a muslim, but I don't put any stock in the idea of certain animals being 'unclean'. It seems to me that all animals would have been created by God. Each animal acts according to its nature and there would be little point in creating animals that were 'bad'.
  9. H

    Spirit Guides - what are they?

    My greatest question is why channeled entities and spirit guides seem proffer cheap spiritual baubles couched as great wisdom from the other side. Almost all of them take hundreds of words of erudite language to explain the simplest thing, as if what we would want from such communications is...
  10. H

    Kuffar or Infidels?

    Unfortunate choice of words there. :D
  11. H

    Islam on a collision course

    That isn't, at its heart, an islamic practice. It's not practiced by all muslims by any means, and not all societies that practice it are muslims.
  12. H

    Islam on a collision course

    There are a number of problems with these statements. What are Saudi reporting methods? How many rapes go unreported? Many rapes are not reported in the US because the woman is worried about her morals and sex life being impugned in the court system? Honor and family honor are a much bigger...
  13. H

    Islam on a collision course

    Those are Muslim statements of faith. People who are not muslims certainly aren't going to concede that the Quran is the word of God, much less that it's entirely free of corruption. I am not a muslim and concede neither point, nor have I met a non-muslim that believes those things. What you...
  14. H

    Asma bint Marwan, poetess

    I realize these stories are from an anti-Islam site, but I'm curious what the muslim response to these stories is. They're all sourced. Muhammad's Dead Poets Society: The assassination of satirical poets in early Islam I want to concentrate for now on Asma Bint Marwan since her name seems to...