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  1. H

    We are all G!ds.

    are you trying to pose that we as mortals are gods?
  2. H

    Goetia (AKA Sword of Solomon)

    its a medieval text based on qabalistic theurgy....wasn't written by solomon as it was authored MUCH later. the modern takes on it introduced trance states,channeling etc. since you can't evoke a demon to physical presence otherwise
  3. H

    The Necronomicon: Fact or Fiction?

    ugh,fiction....unless you're fifteen and listening to metal alone in your black bedroom
  4. H

    Aleister Crowley - a fraud?

    from their fruits ye shall know them..... pretty much sums it up about him,take a look at what he did during his life.....not exactly the kind of guy you'd want to take as a guru or adept to learn from.
  5. H

    Ever thought about this possibility?

    well there wasn't one that was lost,it was obliterated for politics and power,i think we're all fully aware of the myriad of theological influences and pagan assimilation that led to the current state of christendom. while i won't be as lengthy as you were i will say that there is a quite a bit...
  6. H

    The Absolute Truth

    i think muhammad was A prophet but the whole "final" prophet thing was added by islamic clerics,much like christian clerics declared that anyone declaring to come after christ was an antichrist or false prophet when it clearly states in the NT that there would be others.
  7. H

    Ever thought about this possibility?

    i think if the ones who decided to deify yeshua had not been able to successfully supress those who didn't agree with them the world would be in a much better position today. but since people rarely question what they are taught those who decided to manipulate the bible are the ones who are in...
  8. H

    getting tatoos, piercings, etc...

    1: God has more important things to be concerned with than some small human in the vast universe getting tattooed. 2:In Leviticus that commandment was specifically referring to barring the Hebrews from marking themselves indelibly in connection with funerary rites and ancestor worship,which was...
  9. H

    Muslims Against NYC Mosque Location

    there were muslims that died in the towers on 9-11,don't be ridiculous about this. someone got a good deal on a decent building for an islamic center and they're well within legal rights to use it. they're helping the economy by purchasing property and will probably bring traffic to patronize...