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  1. InLove

    Clash of Apocalyptic Views--Can Anything Be Done?

    Shalom. salaam, peace to all here-- The links below present the views of non-dispensationalist Christian Timothy Weber and progressive Jewish rabbi Michael Lerner regarding the American (U.S.) relationship with Israel, including a discussion of various Palestinian and Muslim views. These two...
  2. InLove

    October Birthdays

    Hello, October children! This thread is created for the special purpose of wishing all of you a wonderful month. I know everyone does not celebrate the same way, and some not at all, but hopefully a thought and a smile is okay to send out. If I have missed anyone who has logged in over the...
  3. InLove


    Hi Everyone-- Shalom, salaam, peace to all here-- Wasn't quite sure where to post this. If I shouldn't place it here, maybe Belief & Spirituality would be a good place. Anyway, these links reference a program I have mentioned on another thread. It ran on PBS here in the states, and I don't...
  4. InLove

    September Birthdays

    Hi Everyone. :) I can’t believe it is already time to post September birthdays! I need to post them early this month because I will probably be missing during the first few days. Before I get started, I’d like to mention that the third would have been Mark’s (Prober’s) 45th birthday...
  5. InLove

    August Birthdays

    Happy Birthday to all the August babies (is that a contradiction in terms? :D) Penguin on the 1st--that's today! sjr on the 8th kkawohl on the 14th brucedgc on the 15th and littlemissattitude on the 23rd I have only counted back one year since the last log-in date, so if you are...
  6. InLove

    Flower Myths

    Hi. Just a simple quiz, but I thought it might be post-worthy. It caught my eye because I'm really into flower essences and that sort of thing. I always have been, but I've been learning a lot more of late. Anyway, I missed one question, and I'm still not sure I agree with what they say is...
  7. InLove

    July Birthdays

    Lots of July people. Four on the very first page! (And I hope the cute little zodiac icons are working when you read this!) Oh, and I decided to extend the "last visit" requirement to a year's time, since I have realized that some folks really don't log in that often, but they are still out...
  8. InLove

    Cultural Ties and Religion

    Hi Everyone. Peace to All Here :) This may not be the best placement for this thread, but I thought I would try it here. I don't really know why. Just a feeling, I suppose. But it can always be relocated if it does not work out well where I've put it. I could type a long introduction...
  9. InLove

    Re: Haiku Thread

    Hello--I have a question, please? I'm not sure, but I think that The Amazing Pseudo Haiku Chain may be the longest thread in these forums. I have noticed that during the past few days, while I am able to read the last post by clicking on it, and I can access the previous page by using the...
  10. InLove

    Connection Problems?

    Did anyone else have connection problems over the past few hours, or was it just me?
  11. InLove

    June Birthdays

    Hello, All You June People Wishing you a Happy Birthday, if you celebrate. If I have missed anyone, or if your birthday is not listed on the Member's List, and you would like to have a cupcake, feel free to let us know! Also, I have only listed folks who have posted since Jan. 1, '07, (with...
  12. InLove

    The Oil

    Hi Everyone-- Peace. I've been wanting to ask this for a while, and the subject has recently been alluded to on another thread. So maybe this is a good time to bring it up. I have thoughts on this, but I'd like to hear from others. What do you think "the oil" to which Jesus refers to in...
  13. InLove

    May Birthdays

    Well, here is the list I have. If I have missed any anyone who has posted since the first of this year, feel free to add them. Or if you are someone who did not list your birthday on the Member's List, or if you haven't posted since January, but are still out there reading and would like to...
  14. InLove

    Amida and Jesus

    Hello, Everyone :) Namaste. Well, I'm pretty sure I am going to do this at some point, anyway. I thought now might be a good time, and I hope this is a good place to do it. I mentioned to a friend of mine the other day that I have a vision. (Yes, I have visions.) I see Amida and Jesus...
  15. InLove

    April Birthdays

    Happy Birthday, Virtual Cliff! (That's today):) Tomorrow, the 10th, is intrepidlover's day--:) Friday, th 13th :eek: :D --birthday wishes for Dondi :) The 15th is for "young master" wil ;) :) On the 21st, greetings from Texas to Canada ;) for my new friend Kaldayen :) And Marieta...
  16. InLove

    Signs of Life

    I'm pretty sure I post this somewhere every year....;) I spend lots of time in pine country, and I find the accounts to be true. PineTreeCrosses InPeace, InLove
  17. InLove

    Geostationary Banana Over Texas

    I wasn't quite sure where to post this one (or if I even should). :D GiantBanana InPeace, InLove
  18. InLove

    There's A Kind of Hush....

    Wow. It's really quiet in here right now. :cool: :)
  19. InLove

    Happy Birthday smkolins

    Hi--just noticed the date...Happy Birthday! Maybe you will stop in and read this card. :)
  20. InLove

    Happy Birthday Mason

    Mods--I've looked at the wrong date! Please delete this thread!!! (We'll do it again in June!)