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  1. Ecumenist

    Maha Kumbh Mela

    For those interested in such things {and also the latecomers on the scene, who rail on & on about TRADITION} ... MAHA Kumbh Mela, involving 100 million Hindu participants in 55 days ... has just begun. From the BBC article: Although the gathering is held every 12 years, this year's...
  2. Ecumenist

    A Two-line Commentary on Jesus, the Christ

    In the past ten or twenty years I've seen the quote by Mahatma Gandhi appear here and there, in signature files and Facebook posts, encouraging us to "BE the change we wish to see in the world" ... even as did the aspirant and initiate-Disciple Jesus of Nazareth, with other-than the warmest of...
  3. Ecumenist

    Metaphysics in Theosophy

    Sometimes, it is helpful to revisit what one of the greatest esotericsts had to say on certain topics ... in this case, one without whom there might be no modern occultism, or what many of us know as White Magic. The following excerpt includes the seven ślokas of Stanza Seven, of the Stanzas...