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  1. powessy

    This is my path and what I believe.

    There are billions of people on the planet all searching for “why” we exist, “why” we are here, “is there” a God, “is there” an after life. There are hundreds of religions all with their take on life here and the afterlife there, but what is your belief? What is your personal path? What do you...
  2. powessy

    I spy something in my minds eye

    I am creating this thread to try and explain, dreams, astral projections, remote viewing, yourself and obes(out of body experiences). —————————————————- Warning, a little disclosure, do not attempt to try anything discussed in this thread while on hallucinating drugs, most notably acid or...
  3. powessy

    Something I see but don’t understand

    I spend about an hour or more a day in meditation. I can see and experience many visual phenomena that can come from any part of worlds to places and locations around this world. I do not know how many of you find thoughts about things, or how minds teach you the things you are trying to...
  4. powessy

    Nothing and Something

    Lets say nothing takes the form of a circle, and after you reach this circle of nothing you will start to become yourself inside of yourself six times until you become something that cannot become something again. As long as something is becoming something, nothing will keep becoming it and it...