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  1. Aussie Thoughts

    What D'ya Get, What D'ya Get?

    What did you get for Christmas? Got lots a clothes and stuff myself, a couple bottles of wine and a really neat camera drone. Gonna have lots of fun with that!:)
  2. Aussie Thoughts

    A Pat on the Back and a Sigh of Relief

    Well it's official. Got one all the way through school with minimal blood shed, no incarcerations or paternity suits!:D Son's currently working full time on the farm and plans to walk his beloved down the aisle sometime next year. Well, down the corridor at the registrars office anyway...;)
  3. Aussie Thoughts

    Hoo-Haas, Po-Pos and Bums

    My son had just started schooling so guess he was around 6. That was back when I lived in the states. My boy's 18 now. Been schooling down here since 3rd grade. Set to graduate next month. Any road, on his 1st day of school back then, teacher asked the class what their parents did for a living...
  4. Aussie Thoughts

    New Sub-Category

    How 'bout making a sub-category entitled 'Code of Conduct' for that thread under site news, so new members can find it more easily?
  5. Aussie Thoughts

    This Life and the Next

    I don't fully embrace the idea of reincarnation, but I do tend to lean in that direction. Here of late though, the pitch has increased. This all started with the death of my mom and the unexpected passing of our Nanna Gymea 2 days later, an Aboriginal woman that's looked after our family nearly...
  6. Aussie Thoughts

    More Post Options

    We have a "Like" option to voice approval of posts. How about balancing it out with a "Dislike" option to voice disapproval? Perhaps we could even add something like, "Nice" or "Heartfelt" to the mix for those times when a simple "Like" just doesn't say enough.
  7. Aussie Thoughts

    Makes No Difference, (Discuss whatever you want).

    Previous theme, (Please Disregard): Lot of fuss lately over which is right. Creation, evolution or some combination of the two. Problem for me is, what difference does it make? I mean, however it happened, we're here now. What use arguing about it? No one's opinion is going to change anytime...
  8. Aussie Thoughts

    How Much Learnen Y'all Got?

    How far did you get academically and what was your course of study? As a follow up, how do you relate to those with less or more education? For myself I'm a university graduate. I have a Bachelor of Education Degree, but half way through my studies I was bitten by the photography bug and ended...
  9. Aussie Thoughts

    Any Photogs Out There?

    I've made my living as a photographer/videographer for close to 25 years now and was wondering if there are any other photogs among us whether amateur or professional? I'd be happy to entertain any questions if anyone has an interest in the subject.
  10. Aussie Thoughts

    How Was Your Week?

    Just spent better part of a week photographing popcorn pop. That's right. Popcorn pop. My brain hurts! After turning in my preliminary shots, the producer says the client's reaction is positive, but he'd like to see a few more pics. Ok, so I pop some more corn, take some more pics and turn those...
  11. Aussie Thoughts

    The Devil Made Me Do It

    My dad blamed everything he didn't like on Satan's children. If someone misquoted scripture or committed a crime of some sort he'd say, "The sons of Cain done got to another one!" So my question to believers of all faiths is: How much influence do you think Satan has on us today? Your personal...
  12. Aussie Thoughts

    TV Censorship Policies in the US

    On a recent trip to the states, I couldn't help notice the odd way broadcast TV's censored. On network daytime dramas, it's pretty much anything goes, but on network affiliate sub-stations it's a different story. I was watching an old science fiction movie and they went so far as to blip 'hell...
  13. Aussie Thoughts

    Aussie Slang and Other Misconceptions

    A while back Wil ask me to make a thread about Aussie Slang. Well, there's a lot of websites along those lines like this one: but from my side there's also a lot of misconceptions about Aussie Slang and Australia in general. Like, we're all...
  14. Aussie Thoughts

    Adam's Curve Ball Stumbled across this on the web and thought it interesting. Something for everyone here. Food for thought for the forward thinkers among us and some modern thinking to shoot down for eveyone else. "According to Strong's Hebrew...
  15. Aussie Thoughts

    Does it Matter to God?

    Here's a simple question or perhaps a more difficult one depending on your perspective. We all have our beliefs and disbeliefs. What if it turns out that what you believe is 100% wrong? Do you think that matters to God? From my side I like to think that just putting in the effort and doing your...
  16. Aussie Thoughts

    Why Would an Atheist Join a Faith Based Forum?

    There's something I've always been curious about and since there seems to be a number of Atheists on the forum, I thought I'd ask. Why would an Atheist join a faith based forum?
  17. Aussie Thoughts

    Sunday Dinner with God

    I had to fight back the tears the other day when I came across my dad's old food stained Bible. It got that way because he used to read it to us during Sunday dinner when I was a kid. He liked the book of Corinthians best and often picked passages to discuss while we ate. I can just hear him...
  18. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Hey Steve, I wasn't sure where to put this. If you think it would fit better somewhere else, feel free to bump. Ok, bear with me for a moment. This is a bit difficult to explain. There are times when we view our works as purely innocent, while others view them as wrong or even sinful. For...
  19. Aussie Thoughts

    A Parent's Nightmare!

    Well it happened. Had to sooner or later I suppose. My bloody kid reached legal driving age and passed the road test in one hit, (no pun intended). Actually, he's been driving on the farm since he was 12 and can hold a clutch on a muddy hill better than me. So, why am I worried?
  20. Aussie Thoughts

    Following in Dad's Footsteps

    Did you follow in your dad's footsteps? That is, do you make your living in the same way he did? Much to my dad's disappointment, I did not. He was a 3rd generation farmer and quite proud of his heritage. He long awaited for me his 1st born to follow in his footsteps, but it was not to be...