Search results

  1. Arif Ghamiq

    Hello Again !!!

    Hey everybody - it's been awhile I've relocated to Bentonville Arkansas and now have a 9 month old son & want to get back active on here again I've been popping in reading things - happy to be back
  2. Arif Ghamiq

    Unusual Activity from our Galaxy's Black Hole

    Our galaxy's black hole suddenly flashed a bright light — and scientists don't know exactly why
  3. Arif Ghamiq

    Ramadan 2019

    "Ramadan is the month in which The Quran was sent down, as a Guide to humankind, Clear Signs for Guidance and a Criterion (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the...
  4. Arif Ghamiq

    Sister Sinead

    Sinead O'Connor announced she has embraced Islam, releasing this statement: "This is to announce that I am proud to have become a Muslim. This is the natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian’s journey. All scripture study leads to Islam. Which makes all other scriptures redundant. I...
  5. Arif Ghamiq

    Wiccan Justice

    Magic Hex to be placed on Kavanaugh
  6. Arif Ghamiq

    Martian Lake

    Awesome discovery ! Just how likely is it now, that there is life on Mars !?!
  7. Arif Ghamiq

    Ramadan Mubarak

    "The month of Ramadan is that in which The Quran was sent down, a Hudan (Guidance) for humankind, a Bayyinat (Clear Evidence) and a Furqan (Criterion); So whosoever of you witnesses the month will fast therein and whosoever is ill or on a journey [will fast] the same number of other days...
  8. Arif Ghamiq

    Religious Prohibition

    What is prohibited in or by your Religion-Faith-Belief System? Please feel free to express why you think certain things are forbidden by your Faith. Share your thoughts about Religious Prohibition even if your Religion-Faith-Belief System does not have prohibitions.
  9. Arif Ghamiq

    Religious Items

    Do you wear Religious clothing? If you do or do not explain why: