It has long been argued that evil does not exist because psychopaths are born without empathy and are hence not really evil.
This is not true.
Psychopaths can choose if they want to be empathic or not - they just choose to switch empathy on for the wrong reasons...
Leaving religion might be good for extroverted persons. Extroversion often correpsondents to narcicism and religions that talk a lot about guild, modesty and things that are greater than you might not exactly be the narcicists cup of tea.
But for emotionally vulnerable people (people that I...
Classical free will even before determinsm had limits.
Free will is only possible if you obtain information over a certain situation in time to be able to react. If a bullet is flying to you with close to light speed you will propably not be able to decide if you want to avoid it or not :)
The fruit of evil can be interpreted in two distinct ways:
1. Eating it shows evil intend in yourself (in the form of disobedience to god, but I would regard the nature of the victim as secondary for the following argumentation) - and he punishes you with death?
2. Eating it shows that you...
I should have better named it "on the impossibility of knowing that you are doing something good".
Have you ever tried to save some people and it turned into absolute mayham? You are not alone!
As an environmental scientist I guess that it is impossible to improve the earth or the economy...
The universe, or at least the part we experience, seems to be amoral: it kills the good and the evil alike.
But are humans minds really amoral? Because if they are not, evolution is not or at least not the only process that formed their minds ...
Evolution can only explain an amoral form of...
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