I was happy to find a few of the some 2200 press articles have been published. These are from 1912 Press Coverage of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá trip in America.
Good to note that many of the press called Abdul'baha a Prophet, Abdul'baha subsequently made a statement to the...
Ezekiel 13 is about false prophets "that prophesy out of their own hearts". God says to them, "Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" And that they have contributed naught to Isreal "to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord"
This reflects the...
God's promises to humanity are not forgotten, the world is heading towards a lesser peace that will in time become the Most Great Peace. It is a fulfillment of God's Covernants' to all humanity.
In the Bible we have been guided to an age where the earth is but one country and mankind is its...
I am inspired to post this OP from the responses to replies in another OP about a 'New Creation'.
In this age, a New Creation requires the embracing of the Oneness of God and humanity. It requires us to embrace all God given Faiths in the same light of Love, to remove the predudices of...
The travels of Abdul'baha after being released from prison in Akka.
The 3rd movie based in France is found on YouTube when watching any of the two above. The link is not shareable.
Hopefully, this link to the official site will work...
This OP is to post material on the topic of the end of ages, where the promise in all holy scriptures, in one way or another, inform us that after an age of great global destruction, humanity will find peace.
This passage is from Shoghi Effendi written after the 2nd world war.
"..The world is...
Firstly I do not post this to have an argument of faith. I post it so we can all consider our actions against the knowledge that God is Love. All that is not Love, is thus from our own selves and the disintegration of Love is a sign of our neglect of the virtue of Love.
On 11 March 1936, prior...
Yes, I see a great deal of calamity can still and could have been averted.
There is a fair bit given on this aspect of how Faith interacts with our Material Reality.
We were even told, had the Baha'i dispersed to all Nations in greater numbers, when requested to do so, it would have helped...
I restarted the OP as I have come to terms with my own error in the first OP. I see I started a conversation about the Light of God in a very negative and not a positive way.
The dawn of a new day brings the rising of the sun in stages and many positive things happen with this event, after...
The concept that God is unknowable, Almighty, beyond our understanding and comprehensive capacity is embraced by many people of many Faiths.
The concept that God sends Messengers to impart His Will to humanity has been a concept that has been given from around the AD 622 with the Message given...
I do not think a unity in our diversity is ultimately possible while the veils of many doctrines are still raised and while materialism runs wild and unchecked.
This is a topic difficult for many, as nature and nurture have moulded lives and a way of thought to specific religious Doctrines and...
Is it possible, if the conversation is civil, to do this without a person being insulted?
If a valid answer is provided, one that challenges one's own faith, is it possible to just agree to disagree?
I see we can.
Regards Tony
This could be in Abrahamic discussions, but Baha'is are yet to be represented. This OP will post and discuss visual examples of fulfilled prophecy from mostly the Bible, but may include the Quran and Traditions
The translation is
Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the...
I see it must eventually be considered that Our Goal must be the Oneness as humanity, serving each other under One God.
There can be no other answer to all the ills that face a divided humanity, we are as the body of man and our elixir is the unity of all the parts working together.
For any...
I have just purchased the 6 volume set and my wife and I will go through them.
Two friends spent 6 years helping to compile and research the references and do editing for these books.
We will let you know what we think...
It is a question that has been asked.
I always consider the roots of faith. I see that the Prophets and Messengers are from God and are the source of Oneness, yet those Messages are also the sword that divides.
Then I consider that I live in a world of opposites, knowing that I have a choice...
That is what I see happening.
The world events are fully reflecting both the promise of a United Future and the destruction of an old dysfunctional Old World Order.
So when will we get there, the Baha'i Universal House of Justice offered this in the 1985 Peace Message.
"Whether peace is to...
Thought a would share a post from a friend from Facebook. This is from the page called "The Shirt". The Shirt is printed with 1260AH=1844D=1BE
The topic to discuss will be this quote from FB "The Shirt"
"The Return ..."
Read Micah 5:2 King James Version, and understand what it is saying:
In the Bible these verses to me have a deep meaning.
1 Corinthians 2:9
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
Matthew 13:13-15
"...13 This is why I speak to them in...
The Universal House of Justice has comisioned a feature film called Glimpses of a Hundred Years of Endeavour that reflects on the efforts and learning carried out by a burgeoning Baha’i community since the passing of Abdu’l-Baha in 1921, and it outlines the journey that has led to the...
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