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    woohoo! thread #3000!

    no particular reason.... i just wanted to turn the counter round... thank you to all who have made this forum so much fun over the last 8 years! b'shalom bananabrain
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    sunni and shi'a

    i have been reading an absolutely fascinating book: The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future (9780393062113): Vali Nasr: Books i would be very interested to hear how the sunni muslims here view shi'ism and vice-versa. it seems to me that until islam...
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    neusner returns to reform!

    an interesting article here in the forward: Returning to Reform ? the respected Torah scholar jacob neusner has ditched the conservative movement and headed back to the reform movement from whence he came originally. what's behind this? why's he done it? is he right? it's...
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    more on anti-zionist jewish sect neturei karta

    i've written a number of times on neturei karta, here for example: however, a few weeks back i wrote a specific piece at the site i blog at, the spittoon in response to their presence at the "al-quds day" israel-bashing demo in...
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    i think this is a very interesting piece. although it was originally written about ten years ago, the issues it raises will be ongoing. The World of the Quran i would be very interested to hear the responses of our muslim members to this piece, whatever they are. the sacred texts of the...
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    value systems questionnaire

    i'm looking into ways of testing the validity of the spiral dynamics model and one of those involves doing personality tests. i'd be really interested to see what sort of results people come up with on this site. i know what i'm expecting (this being a self-selecting sort of group) but would...
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    please participate in the elijah interfaith institute's religious leadership survey‏

    i'm not affiliated with the elijah interfaith institute ( http:Elijah Interfaith: Elijah Interfaith Website ), but i do know the boss and strongly approve of his work. i'd appreciate it if any of you could fill out this survey. b'shalom bananabrain
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    if you go, why do you go?

    i was talking to a vicar friend of mine who was analysing why people go to her church and it seemed to me that there are a number of different reasons: 1. you like the closeness of it all, the feeling of belonging to a small, warm, family - it also helps if everyone else is going to hell and...
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    hans kung, papal infallibility, vatican 2 and so on...

    hi, this is mostly for thomas, but also for anyone else that's interested. i just read two histories of the papacy on holiday, one of which being by hans kung, the eminent catholic theologian. Hans Küng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia i was struck by his analysis of the period of john...
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    "in G!D we doubt"

    an extract from the broadcaster john humphrys' new book, which i think is both thought-provoking and worth starting a discussion over. In God we doubt -Times Online b'shalom bananabrain
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    another perhaps ill-advised question about j-witnesses

    i have a question. i'm a big fan of the musician prince, going back some 25-odd years and 30-odd albums. i'm going to see him again in a couple of weeks in london, insha'Allah. i'm pretty familiar with his lyrical output, stage performance and general persona. he is said to be a j-witness...
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    rabbinic interpretation and jewish law is neither "worship" nor "shirk"

    now, i've seen this allegation repeated many times and i think it's about time we had it out properly. with all due respect, abdullah, i think you ought to be careful with your language. i don't think it's at all clear from the verse. for example, in order for us to know who "they" are...
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    dialogue about dialogue

    there's been a lot of discussion recently about who should be banned and why and whether the forum rules are fair or not, as well as yet another attempt from a self-proclaimed prophet to use CR to promote his "revelation", to go with the regular round of triumphalism, low-level prejudice, snide...
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    islamic tradition of non-violence?

    i would like to ask a question about sources in the Qur'an and hadith which support the idea of an islamic tradition of "non-violence", or non-retaliation. i am particularly interested in: 1. the episode where muhammad gets stoned by the worshippers of al-lat in taif and then declines to take...
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    scriptural basis for christian objection to homosexuality

    guys, i have a question: what is the basis for the christian objection to homosexuality? i am assuming: a) arguments based upon the "old testament" do not apply, otherwise you'd also have to keep the rest of the "mosaic law" b) you "hate the sin but love the sinner" - so we are talking...
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    Jewish beliefs not corrupted

    Re: what is islams belef on the crucifiction i would just like to say that the idea that i often see repeated on this board that we jews possess a "corrupt" verion of the Torah is *profoundly* offensive to me and to all jews. the often quoted verse from jeremiah does *not* refer to the Torah as...
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    anyone see dawkins on uk TV last night

    saw the eminent dr richard dawkins (or "ranting rick") socking it to religionists on channel 4 last night. here's a link to the website. dr dawkins is at his most interesting and convincing when he's...
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    an annoying little philosophical conundrum

    i got into an argument with a mate the other day when another friend mentioned that some of the people he knows from inner-city estates have told him that there's a new fashion for kids to wear clothes with the price tags still on to show how "bling" they are. i said "well, when i hear things...
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    eid mubarak all the muslims on CR. this year, the new moon of ramadan coincided with that of rosh hashanah, the jewish new year. may it be the will of G!D that this year brings peace, justice and tolerance to our communities all over the world and that we realise that living and working together...
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    what is it about mystics?

    i yield to nobody in my admiration for and espousal of the jewish mystical tradition. in fact, in my experience it is the mystical traditions of all belief systems that are generally the most open-minded and accepting of practical diversity through their attempt to speak to universal human...