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  1. pseudonymous


    Perception Deception Try it and see if it works for you.
  2. pseudonymous

    New Zen Teachings

    NEW ZEN TEACHINGS 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow... In fact, just leave me alone. 2. Sex is like air. It's not that important unless you aren't getting any. 3. No one is listening...
  3. pseudonymous

    PDF Magazines

    Magazines PDF Magazines - Pdf Magazines for iPad, iPad2, Android Tablets Free magazines to peruse on rainy days or otherwise...:)
  4. pseudonymous

    ? --> ? Thread

    Let's waste some cyber space where you have to answer a Question with a Question like : 1st : How's this relevant to this forum ? 2nd : Why should it be ? So here goes.... If you were to explode and implode in the same moment, would there be any mess to clean up ? :confused:
  5. pseudonymous

    The Big Teddy Bear

    I once drove a van for county transportation in Asheville, North Carolina. I wanted to share something that happened in hopes of putting a smile on your face, and a light in your heart. I drove every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 10 elderly ladies from their rural homes, into the Baptist...
  6. pseudonymous

    Poet Tree

    Just a place for any poets in the community to share their work.... 11/11/11 standing hapless in between closure and moving on the awkward silence casting a big strained sigh the moment i realized i might of stayed too long everyone embarrassed for motives undefined got used to the weight...
  7. pseudonymous

    Discovering Forgiveness

    Was there some experience in your life that has led you to a place of understanding of what forgiveness really means to you? Or is it still a mystery? Years back I had been alone with my mother, who I had had a very emotionally laden love/hate relationship with over the years. I don't remember...
  8. pseudonymous

    The Brain As Healer

    The Brain As Healer I have been enjoying a rather unique experience for a spiritual person. My sister's cat Lucky has severe nerve damage to his front right leg, and the veterinarian expressed doubts he would ever be able to walk or use his leg or paw again. My sister asked me during the drive...
  9. pseudonymous

    The Bug Zapper Contemplation

    The Bug Zapper Contemplation In the back yard, out the window behind me, is a bug zapper that serves to direct would be assailants from me as I smoke out the window on occasion. I spend many a smoke watching the dance of insects attracted to the purplish glow while I contemplate, and on...
  10. pseudonymous

    One Highly Recommended Movie At A Time Thread

    Thought I would start a thread (if it existed already, so be it) where we recommend one movie seen recently that others might enjoy. The key is one at a time, instead of a list. My 2010 favorite was 'Winter's Bone'. Highly recommended. You can see a...
  11. pseudonymous

    Sonic Nirvana

    For your listening pleasure while you do whatever you are doing... 350 gigs of ambient, newage, world, experimental, tonal, middle eastern, etc etc etc played 15 hours a day, 7 days a week (9am-12midnight EST). Plus a blog with my useless prattling (just ignore that).
  12. pseudonymous


    I don't have a great deal of time with my work schedule to elaborate deeply on my thoughts on this topic, but wanted to throw this idea I have out there to bounce off of the great contemplaters here. Telepathy, something many spiritual people see as an advanced ability to hone to any degree, in...
  13. pseudonymous

    The Official Unbinding Smite Thread

    Even the enlightened or highly evolved on occasion - in a moment of unbridled passion - desire to smite some as3hole-at-large...reducing them to ashes, or a toad, or... This is a safe place to get your smiting mojo out without actually muddying your karma or going to hell, or whatever you...
  14. pseudonymous

    Please Excuse The Absense

    My apologies for popping in after a few years, and then popping back out...I am in the heady process of selling a home, dispersing my mother's personal belongings, and making plans to move, purchase vehicle, home, etc. When the dust clears, I will participate more fully. Hope everyone has a...
  15. pseudonymous

    Where Do Lost Items Go?

    where do lost lighters, pens, keys, socks etc go? please post your personal guess to one of the mysteries of life... my guess: a patch of thicket just outside ledbetter texas.
  16. pseudonymous

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    applicable moisture:p
  17. pseudonymous

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    Pseudo Haiku = the only structure rule is they must be 3 lines of 5-7-5 syllables per line...topic can be anything of your choice. The Chain= you must begin your pseudo-haiku using the last line of the poem before as the first line in your's. I have seen these haiku chains get to 1000+ posts...
  18. pseudonymous

    fave scary movie?

    being halloween weekend, just thought i would ask, since the tv is filled with classics... i can still remember how scary "the excorcist" was for a young boy when i first saw it. to this day, it remains my fave scary film. the other that stands out from boyhood was "the thing (from outer...
  19. pseudonymous

    Witnessing Death

    I have been blessed to be with both my parents at the moment of their passing. My mother's death last week, followed an 8 day & night vigil in her hospital room. My father's passing 10 years ago followed a 13 day & night vigil in a nursing home room. The experience of being there for both of...
  20. pseudonymous

    Deja vu

    hello all- just a note to express my apologies for dropping off the face of the forum several years ago. had a detour into poverty (becoming a caretaker for my mother on an island off the coast of maine) which forced me to go offline rather abruptly. i participated for a short stint with a...