Search results

  1. -James-

    What will WE be Like in Heaven?

    I guess this is a spin off of all the "what is heaven" threads popping up. I'm curious, as it would seem to me that whatever you envision yourself to be in heaven, that it might not be a bad idea to try to accomplish the same disposition, and/or temperment in this life. I think that is what...
  2. -James-

    I Wish

    I wish you enogh sun to keep your attitude bright I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting I wish...
  3. -James-

    New User Name

    I hope it's ok to change my user name. :p It was Cage, but I have experienced a great deal of freedom since joining here, and I feel like I'm exactly where I need to be. I feel more free today than I have in years, so it's only appropriate to change it. On a side note, I've learned a great...