The Muhammed cartoons in the Danish newspaper sparked worldwide protests and a few riots. Salman Rushdie had a death sentence placed on his head for writing The Satanic Verses, and again violent reprisals were promised when he was honored by the Queen.
It seems to me Christians are much less...
I'm skeptical of the concept of Astral Projection, but none the less I think it would be interesting to try to induce an out-of-body experience.
A few months ago I used to achieve the 'mind-awake/body-asleep' state spontaneously, but at the time I didn't know it had anything to do with out of...
This word is often bandied about by new ager believers...everything from the concept of "good vibrations" to "raising your vibration" by meditation or some other means, to the concept of the afterlife being at a higher vibrational level than the world of the living.
It strikes me as a weasel...
I realize these stories are from an anti-Islam site, but I'm curious what the muslim response to these stories is. They're all sourced.
Muhammad's Dead Poets Society: The assassination of satirical poets in early Islam
I want to concentrate for now on Asma Bint Marwan since her name seems to...
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